Exhibition at Grandhotel Augsburg

„What would help you?“ – „Solidarity“ photo exhibition about care justice!

Faces of Moms* and the Feminist Strike Committee highlight care that is really unpaid care work. With few exceptions, female-read individuals around the world perform more unpaid care work than men, whether or not they have an additional job. And this translates into structural inequality for most mothers and primary care persons.

In photographs of everyday situations, posters, quotes, demo banners and signs, photographer Natalie Stanczak and feminist activists show the struggle for visibility. Care work must be seen! And care work needs solidarity – because that is the first step toward more justice for care workers – whether paid or unpaid!

When do you take responsibility? When do you show solidarity?

Exhibition in the café of the Grandhotel Cosmopolis till 10.6.2023
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. – 10 p.m.

Midissage on Friday, 12.05.2023, 7 p.m.
Talk on Solidarity & Care Justice with Melinka Karrer

Ausstellung im Grandhotel Augsburg

„Was würde dir helfen?“ – „Solidarität“ Fotoausstellung zu Care-Gerechtigkeit!

Faces of Moms* und das Feministische Streikkomitee rücken Fürsorge als unbezahlte Care-Arbeit in den Fokus. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen leisten weiblich gelesene Personen weltweit mehr unbezahlte Care-Arbeit als Männer, unabhängig davon, ob sie noch zusätzlich einer Berufstätigkeit nachgehen oder nicht. Und dies bedeutet für die meisten Mütter und primären Sorgepersonen strukturelle Ungleichheit.

In Fotografien von Alltagssituationen, Plakaten, Zitaten, Demobannern und Schildern zeigen die Fotografin Natalie Stanczak und die feministischen Aktivist*innen den Kampf um Sichtbarkeit. Sorgearbeit muss gesehen werden! Und Sorgearbeit braucht Solidarität – denn das ist der erste Schritt zu mehr Gerechtigkeit für Care-Arbeitende – egal, ob bezahlt oder unbezahlt!

Wann übernimmst du Verantwortung? Wann bist du solidarisch?

Ausstellung im Café des Grandhotel Cosmopolis bis 10. Juni 2023
Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag bis Samstag 10 – 22 Uhr

Midissage am Freitag, 12.05.2023, 19 Uhr
Gespräch zu Solidarität & Care-Gerechtigkeit mit Melinka Karrer

Feminist strike: 8th of March at townhall square Augsburg

  1. Opening rally Townhall Square: international fights
  2. Interim rally St. Ulrich: anti-sexist fights
  3. Interim rally City Galerie: anti-capitalistic fights
  4. Closing rally Townhall Square: labour struggle

Opening rally Townhall Square

Fstrk Aux

The crises are rooted in the system – feminist strikes worldwide!

From the evacuation of a geriatric home in Augsburg to the closure of the obstetrics clinic in Bobingen – the crisis in the health system is real. Conflicts in the already sparse accommodation for refugees are coming to a head, and not just because of the war against Ukraine. Meanwhile, the energy crisis is hitting Augsburg’s low-income earners the hardest, especially single parents. We know: The crises are rooted in the system! We know: Capitalism and patriarchy are responsible for it! We do not want to accept this! We are on strike!

Who lives in geriatric and nursing homes with often inhumane conditions? 61.6 percent are women. Who works in the care sector with intolerable working conditions? Slightly more than three-fourth of paid care workers are women. Who belongs to those who live at the subsistence level? 17.5 percent of German women were affected by income poverty in 2021, in contrast to 15.7 percent of men. Among those in marginal employment, the proportion of women is also greater than that of men. And in old age, the so-called „interrupted employment biographies“ of women take their revenge: 20 percent of single women over 65 are considered poor and this is due to more frequent part-time employment and loss of earnings due to responsibilities of children and relatives.

We speak of women because the data only covers women. Yet it is clear that other people not perceived as male – FLINTAs – are also the disadvantaged in this system. FLINTAs means women, lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans, agender persons and anyone who does not fit into the binary logic of the cis-male dominated world. This includes Black people, people from the BIPoc community. Also people who cannot or do not want to submit to the logic of exploitation of the capitalist world. Most affected are those who belong to more than one of the above categories. BIPoc stands for Black, indigenous people of colour, people who are read as non-white. 

We say no to this male-dominated system!

All over the world, FLINTAs are rebelling against the oppression of patriarchal and capitalist systems: against the wars that the rulers are fighting on the backs of the people; against the climate catastrophe that is still denied or ignored by too many decision-makers; against right-wing forces that are gaining more and more power with their backward-looking ideologies. 

The slogan „Jin Jiyan Azadi“ (Women Life Freedom) of the revolutionary Kurdish movement is currently echoing throughout the world through the women-led revolution in Iran: from Latin America to Rojava (North-East Syria) and Tehran to Europe! As a loud sign against the restriction and denial of human rights. Together we fight the feminist struggles for a society where a good life is possible for all. Together we also fight against gender injustice, for sexual and bodily self-determination and for „a world where many worlds fit“ – as the Zaptista movement puts it.

We, the Feminist Strike Committee Augsburg, stand in solidarity with the feminist struggles worldwide and with those on our doorstep. The crises are rooted in the systems! They are home-made and we have it in our hands to end these injustices!

We demand:

  • Paid care work, because system-relevant activities such as child care, caring for relatives, friends, but also self care must not become an overload or an existential disadvantage.
  • No profits with health & care! The problems in the health sector are not least caused by the privatisation of health institutions, which have to make money with care work and put profits above the well-being of the patients. 
  • Protection from violence & safe shelter in case of danger. The places in the women’s shelters in the district are nowhere near the legal requirements. FLINTAs in refugee accommodation need special protection services. There is also a lack of shelters and counselling centres for queer and trans people.
  • Right to stay for everyone, because no person is illegal. Reasons for fleeing must not be allowed to determine the right to stay and the value of a person. Especially as many people will lose their livelihoods due to climate change, which will drastically increase so-called economic flight movements.
  • Safe medical care for pregnant women, women giving birth & people who decide to have an abortion. Staff shortages and clinic closures endanger this human right in the region as well as throughout Germany!   
  • Time & opportunity for political participation! Overwork due to wage or care work, language barriers or the feeling of political powerlessness must not prevent people from active participation. 
  • Political support for politically persecuted activists, FLINTA & LGBTQIA+ people in Iran, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Rojava beyond expressions of solidarity.  


On the feminist strike day we want to celebrate FLINTA who are fighting for equal rights as well as for the realization of a democratic system. After five months of the Jina Revolution, we want to take a look at the endless struggles of FLINTA in Iran, even before 2022.

The women’s movement formed even before the Islamic Revolution of 1979 and reacted to gender relations that were not equal. After 79, alliances were formed more frequently, causing the movement to grow tremendously as FLINTA were more oppressed than ever. To shut down political activism, the regime imprisoned, tortured, and made forced confessions on national television.

In the 1980s, when God was the greatest for the regime, and when the mothers of Khavaran were gathered in waiting rooms to collect the belongings of their executed children, they united and began the eternal struggle against the rulers of the Islamic Republic, until their last breath. They denounced the Islamic Republic for imprisoning, torturing and executing political activists.

The student movement and the increase in FLINTA’s presence at universities in the 1990s and 2000s brought the movement into a new phase – criticizing the Constitution and anti-women laws.

The repressive apparatus and supporting extrimist groups are increasing Series of acid attacks in the city of Isfahan, knife attacks and mysterious murders on FLINTA, and the recent large-scale chemical gas attacks on girls‘ schools are examples of unchecked terrorism by the regime’s allies aimed at instilling insecurity and fear in society and pushing women back into the position of „children, kitchen, religion,“ in addition to the restrictions placed on FLINTA by the Constitution and the Islamic Penal Code.

The oppression does not stop and yet it no longer works, the social change that is no longer compatible with the current regime and its traditions and laws is visible: FLINTA sit in environmental NGOs, social works and LGBTQI and human rights NGOs

We want to make clear: Even before the revolution under the motto „Woman, Life, Freedom“ there were many examples of rebellions by women against the system.

Here it is to be mentioned that the slogan of the revolution Jin Jiyan azadi, i.e. woman life freedom, is the basis, guiding idea and slogan of the Kurdish freedom movement. This has the approach that a society can only be as free as the women in this society are.

The death of Jina Mahsa Amini was the trigger for a new movement for the rights of FLINTA and the current attempts to silence the movement show again the deep hatred of the regime towards FLINTA. This system can only survive through repression.

It is obvious that the protest and women’s movement in Iran, will no longer bow to the Islamic dictatorship, and sooner or later it will win and become a new model in the world for the struggle for human rights.

ZAM e. V.

We ally ourselves with the Kurdish and Iranian FLINTA, who have opened a perspective of overthrowing the regime and changing the system in the first place.

We ally ourselves with the Kurdish freedom fighters and women in Rojava who see the struggle against sexism and patriarchy as the most important struggle and offer a perspective to all who strive for a world based on women’s liberation, ecological principles and socialist values.They want to offer a perspective on how a society without oppression and exploitation can organize itself.

We ally ourselves with the women in Afghanistan who are taking to the streets against the Taliban’s rules that prevent women and girls from exercising their basic rights to expression, freedom and education, despite fears of arrest, torture and murder.

We ally ourselves with the feminist struggles in Latin America, which, in addition to the classical struggles of feminism such as the right to abortion, against patriarchal violence and political participation, and who militantly demand a radical questioning of neoliberal capitalism, e.g. in Chile.

We ally ourselves with all feminist struggles worldwide that fight against oppression and for equality.

Yeni Kadin Plattform Augsburg

Hello dear women and dear comrades,
Merhaba, kizkardeslerimiz,
Hevale delal, Serseran Sercavan,

Today all over the world women are taking to the streets against the patriarchal capitalist system.
March 8 is a call for resistance.
March 8 is the struggle to reclaim our rights and freedoms that have been taken/stolen from us.
March 8 is the struggle to rewrite history with a female gender consciousness.
March 8 is a resistance and struggle against patriarchal society.

A society that oppresses women, enslaves them, exploits their labour and makes them the second sex. With the current economic crisis and rising prices, impoverishment has drastically increased. In this crisis, the potential for violence against women and children is also increasing, as is racism and sexism.

Violence against women has become a femicide. Every day, almost 150 women worldwide lose their lives to male violence. Male violence, because of which we have also been turning our attention to Iran for weeks.

Jina Amini became a symbol of the struggle for freedom, and with Jina Amini, the slogan Jin Jiyan Azadi is now rising up around the world. In Iran, women continue to make history with their struggle against patriarchy, risking death and torture.

Let’s take a look at Turkey.
Under the AKP regime, violence against women has increased by 1400%.

1400%. Let it sink in. The pressure on women is increasing. Women MPs, journalists, students are arrested, women are harassed in public. Rights and freedoms are under attack. Rights that women have won at the cost of their lives. Women in Turkey know very well that a much darker time lies ahead if they do not fight the patriarchy. Despite all the oppression from the male and state violence, they are taking to the streets.

The Women’s Movement gives hope, because it is the strongest resistance movement in Turkey. There, women of all nationalities (Turkish, Kurdish, Armenian, Assyrian women) join together and defend their rights and fight for gender equality.

I would also like to say a few words about the Istanbul Convention.

The Istanbul Convention calls for the elimination of discrimination against women and the elimination of all inequalities. It has been signed by many European countries. The document guarantees the fight against male dominance and calls for the empowerment of women. The Istanbul Convention is a very important step and great success in the prevention of violence against women, and yet its requirements are not met.

We take a look into the wider world and see all the corruption and oppression. A reality that threatens our freedom and our lives. A reality that we need to change.
Men profit from the patriarchal capitalist system. They will not change this reality.

For a change we have to unite.

Because we women want a just world – a world free of violence.
We want a future without wars and crises and without a patriarchal capitalist system.
We will never walk alone, let’s strengthen women’s solidarity even more. JIN JIYAN AZADI Women Life Freedom
No means no

Interim rally St. Ulrich

Fstrk Aux

One arena of feminist struggle are the bodies of Flinta* persons. FLINTA* is an acronym that stands for female, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender persons.

We oppose all patriarchal categories into which our bodies are pressed: not beautiful enough, too beautiful, too fat, too skinny, too tall, too short, too black, too Asian, too pale, too many children, too few children, too young, too old, too sexy, too tomboy – the list is endless.

We are not objects, we are our own subjects – with all our strengths, weaknesses, qualities and characteristics. We have all internalised such patriarchal thought patterns and it is up to all of us to actively unlearn them.

Particularly perfidious are the attacks by self-proclaimed feminists on the bodily self-determination of trans and inter people.

Patriarchal arguments are repeated here on the backs of trans people: so-called Trans Excluding Radical Feminists, TERFs for short, assign trans, agender and inter people their biological sex in an alienated way or simply deny the existence of the categories trans and inter. They defend the binary gender structure. Not surprisingly, TERFs are increasingly joining forces with right-wing structures. TERFs or right-wingers – both want to protect the binary category of „woman“ and in doing so reinforce patriarchal thought patterns and gender categories. This is not feminist and solidary, but divisive and exclusionary.

Exclusion instead of solidarity – that is not our feminism! We stand in solidarity with the feminist struggles of trans, agender and inter people. For the right to bodily self-determination for all!

The existing system uses stigma and hatred to limit the bodily and sexual self-determination of FLINTA*s.

  • This includes constricting role stereotypes such as those addressed by Frau Tacheles serviert! in her speech.
  • This includes the scandalous medical care situation that pregnant women face in Augsburg, as the Medical Students for Choice will address.
  • It includes the bigotry regarding Flinta* bodies, as the Oben-Ohne-Kollektiv will speak about.
  • This includes the discrimination and othering of queer people, that is , the attribution of being „different“ or not „normal“ in the sense of heteronormative society. Miranda Ala will talk about this.
  • Finally, the Queer-AG of the Open Antifa Meeting will say something about the situation of trans people, the experience of violence and TERFs. Once again, the awareness team is there for you if you feel uncomfortable with the content and if you want to talk.

Frau Tacheles serviert!

What I want

I want the obvious.
I want, the equality that is not up for negotiation,
that was promised to me on paper,
but does not arrive in reality and in our daily lives.

I want my worth NOT to be measured,
by the color of my skin,
my sexual orientation and
and certainly not by my genitals!

I want,
a life without the straitjacket of role clichés.

I want to decide about my body,
without having to justify myself to anyone.
My body my choice

I want the female orgasm to have the same value as the male one.

I don’t want your fear,
because your fear infiltrates my brain,
locks me up and sets limits where there should be none.

I want more shamelessness.
Because a free mind is followed by a free body that unhinges the world.

I want to move freely,
because my life is a presence event
by day and by night.

I want moral courage.
I want us to break through the glass ceiling, because we need a breath of fresh air.
I want, free development without the constant phrase in my head „what will people think?“
I want a life away from the perfectionism mania.
No, I want to fall on my face and be able to get up again with momentum!

I want honesty,
that otherwise remains unspoken,
that opens eyes.

I want open conversations.
In which we put everything on the tray for everyone to see.
So that we recognize,
that reality has nothing to do with the clichés constantly produced in the media,
but with you and with me
in the here and now.
I want that we also get rid of our prejudices
and that we stop criticizing each other.

I want us FLINTA*S to demand more participation from men.
Good parenting is not dependent on gender.
Trust fathers more,
don’t ignore them, but involve them.
and teach them the knowledge that you have received since childhood.

Patriarchy does not die out on its own.
It must be carried to the grave.
Every day a little bit.
With every gesture that is rejected.
With every stupid saying that is countered.
With every person who raises their voice against injustice.
With every demand until it becomes a matter of course.
With every protest that finds more and more supporters.
With every man who recognizes that community is not at home in power imbalances and equality is a path we must walk together.

I want my courage to ignite yours.

Women unite!
Women in power!

Medical Student for Choice

Hello everyone,

We are Katja and Greta, medical students in Augsburg and part of Medical students for choice which is a part of the group Critical Medicine Augsburg.

A safe, timely and affordable absorption is a human right. That’s not just our opinion but that of the World Health Organization as well as Amnesty. Abortion is an essential part of bodily autonomy and as such fundamental for gender equality, equal opportunities and a free life.

Why is it so hard, for a person carrying an unwanted pregnancy, to get an abortion?

It starts with finding a doctor. In Augsburg there is not a single one that officially performs an abortion after counseling  — at 1000 people carrying an unwanted pregnancy and are thus forced to travel at least to Munich. That is an unacceptable gap in the provision of medical care. Augbsurg not the only and by far not the worst example. People all over Germany are affected by this tight supply situation.

On top of that, abortion is heavily stigmatized by the public. According to § 218 of the German penal code punishable by law. According to opponents murder and often harshly judged by friends and family. This stigmatization doesn’t only affect the person carrying the unwanted pregnancy but is also enforcing the inadequate provision of medical care as it is a lot harder for doctors to offer abortion.

Lastly, not only contraceptives are very expensive. Also abortion is and most of the time both are not covered by health insurance.

You shouldn’t have to go to another city for a human right. You shouldn’t be stigmatized for making use of a human right and you shouldn’t have to pay for a human right.

That’s why we demand:

  • A supply of abortion that is covering the needs!
  • Free contraceptives and health insurance that covers abortion!
  • No more stigmatization of abortion!
  • No more §218!
  • For a self-determined and free life!

My body – my choice!


I wake up and I’m still hanging around a bit sluggish, but I know, today will be my day! So first shower, that’s gonna wake me up for sure. I cover myself briefly and scurry into the bathroom. Uh, fresh the window was open during the night. So quickly under the warm shower and finally the sooting water runs over me. Oh yeah, freedom, fresh, wet.

Being out of the shower, I’m already fresher. A short question is sent to me: are my roommates here? Yes, the coffee machine is running. So I wrap myself in my towel, just in case, and run back to my room. Off I go to get dressed for the feminist strike day. I look forward to this all year! First, the purple sweatpants get put on and then it’s my turn. And: I am bagged, until today it is actually unclear to me why. Yes, why am I always bagged? Everywhere I am hidden, covered, and not discovered. Not even my contours are allowed to be seen, no. I am not allowed to be a part of this body. I am too visible without a bra layer over me, I am offensive without a bikini over me, I am censored on the Internet, in the news they discuss about me.

I feel used because only trimmed I am needed. Yes, when it comes to sex, then they show me, then they put me on display. Only then I am needed. Then I have space. Yes, life as a nipple on breasts is not so easy. If only everyone knew that.

Last summer, for example, I was swimming in the outdoor pool. Well, I wasn’t swimming. I was squeezed into tops and could only get a glimpse of the water. I wasn’t allowed to ride the slide… And I wasn’t allowed to feel the sun on me and hang out like so many do. Many nipples hang freely in the summer, they bounce, and swing and jump. What do they have what I do not have? Isn’t the question actually: what do I have that they don’t have? Exactly. I have sexualization. Because I am attached to breasts, I am sexualized and staged. In the open-air swimming pool I tried to defend myself, I just wanted to be free, I peeked out for a moment, made room for myself and what did that get me? The pool attendant came and I was packed away again – so the statement of the green party apparently didn’t help.

But we did not want to stop and we remained uncomfortable. We complained and continued to fight – we established a connection with the green party. But they said we were too loud, too much, too offensive, too complicated, too naked. Rewrite the bathing rules? That would be too controversial an act. „Theoretically it is not forbidden to swim with nipples, but to make a big fuss about it? What does the CSU have to say about that?“

I didn’t care! Therefore we remained persistent- kept on asking, made suggestions: we need signs and education, so that everyone finally knows it and can feel free and safe!!!

„But no, that would be too risky!“ Fighting for equality yes, but only quietly and within our means and only with broad social acceptance. And also only if it does not disturb anyone, and if it is not so much effort, and if I can smile while doing it.

But that’s just no good, and that’s why we are here today, because today we say: NO!

I just want to chill, not justify myself, be free, hang out! Not ashamed of myself, but accept what I am. I want to have ease, be allowed to exist. I don’t want to have to stand on a podium and discuss my justification for existence.

That’s why we’re doing it together today, being properly loud, taking the space and room we deserve. Literally letting off our anger and nipples! With many nipples, flags and hanging breasts.

We will nipple the patriarchy away!!!

Miranda Ala

My name is Miranda Ala. I’m 30 years old, born in the Allgäu region of Germany, where I grew up.

I’m of Albanian descent and I was raised based on the traditions and rules of my family. How to be a proper woman, or how to be a proper man was a big part of that.

What I’ve learnt:
Cover your body if there are men around. Keep quiet and let men talk. Serve them, hide your feelings, suppress your needs, smile, be gentle and easy, step back and accept, that men always get away with their behaviour.

I’m a German Albanian woman. And I’m queer. But there is no queer in the world of my family. There is the determined life: man, woman, big wedding, at least two children. And of course look nice, so your man stays with you.

But that’s not who I am. I’m different. That’s what I’ve thought for so many years. I was ashamed, I hid, I got depressed and unhappy.

I had to follow my heart, but I didn’t know, that I could loose my family, my roots, everything. And I did it. I took my way. I burned down old bridges and built new one.

After ten years of being out in the open, finding myself and my voice, I’m able to stand here. I’m able to say, that I am a German-Albanian feminist – and have been ever since. I not only identify as German Albanian woman, because without that privilege of being born in Germany, my chances for an independent life as unmarried woman were bad.

I’m a part of that country and here’s my home. I’ve realized that I’m not that different and that I belong to a wonderful community. As a queer woman with migration background it’s all about: keep it up, trust and just do it. It’s worth it. There are solutions, perspectives, support and meaningful role models.

It took a long time for me to realize: the first feminist I’ve met was my own mother. My mother freed herself from an unhappy marriage while she was living in a foreign country with her two children. She wished for a better life for her children and herself – and made it happen. She was the first woman in our Albanian family who got divorced. “Scandalous!” said our relatives, but a blessing for us.

I’m very thankful for the experience because I learn so much. I’m thankful for the German system, even if there is some work to do. Here is room for more good:

  • healthier thoughts and behaviour, which can save lives and open perspectives.
  • organizations who work on accessibility and diversity.
  • awareness for the necessity of feminism

Feminism is creative thinking.
Feminism means following your heart, being brave and authentic.
Feminism means taking new ways to prepare a good life for the next generations.

Queer-AG OAT

Since the speech came in on short notice we didn’t have the time to translate it. We’re sorry.

Interim rally City Galerie

Fstrk Aux

The crises are in the system – and the system is called capitalism!

Capitalism cements inequalities. Inequalities that are used to justify the exploitation of certain groups of people.

In the capitalist system, every human being has a value, which is based on the mostly random allocation of value to characteristics such as nationality, education, race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability to work and others. All people experience different degrees of discrimination depending on these characteristics – be it racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, classism, ableism and more.

The system plays privileged people against the less privileged: Man against woman, white against Black, rich against poor.

We reject this inhumane system!

Critique on capitalism needs feminism; needs anti-racism; needs anti-classism!

Only if we overcome devaluation and exclusion of certain groups of people is an end to capitalism possible! And only by ending capitalism is the end of devaluation and exclusion possible!

Fight with us for the anti-capitalist feminist utopia and an end to injustice!

Because we dream of a world in which neither reproduction nor production are subject to profit seeking of only a few people. Capitalist systems profit especially from the exploitation of reproductive activities, i.e. care work: this means tasks that keep people productive or alive: Cooking, washing, cleaning, childcare, care for the elderly and sick. These activities are still mainly carried out by FLINTAs (women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people). Be it at home and unpaid or in low-paid care & education jobs. These activities continue to be made invisible and devalued. But one thing is certain: these activities are crucial in order for the capitalist system to work. It is only through care work that people can do wage labour at all. Without care work, the system would collapse! Hence our slogan: When we strike, the world stands still!

The crisis in the care sector also shows that the pursuit of profit is not compatible with humanity.

Globally, the labour power of FLINTA persons is thus exploited in two ways: as unpaid care work and in low-paid wage work. More frequent part-time employment and „baby breaks“ are also responsible for poor fincancial security at old-age and an ongoing financial dependency, which often also causes patriarchal violence.

We demand:

– Paid care work, because system-relevant activities such as childcare, caring for relatives and friends, but also caring for oneself, must not become an overload or an existential disadvantage.

– No profits with health & care! The problems in the health system are not least due to the privatisation of health institutions, which have to make money with care work and put profits above the well-being of the patients.

We also dream of a different way of working! A factory without bosses, like the collective VIO.ME in Thessaloniki. The workers occupied their company after it went bankrupt and have since been producing environmentally friendly soaps, which are also sold by Die Seiferei in Augsburg. Production, sales, personnel management – the tasks in the factory rotate in a fixed rhythm, everyone pitches in and decisions are made on a grassroots basis. This system has been working for 10 years. And it is threatened again and again from the outside – a fund company has bought the factory’s land and the workers fear for their utopia. We support the struggle of VIO.ME & other lived utopias, of which there are many in the world.

We demand:

– meaningful economic perspectives instead of profit and growth at any price.

– a system that creates time & opportunity for political participation! Overwork due to wage or care work, language barriers or the feeling of political powerlessness must not keep people from active participation.

But we also dream of a world where people have the freedom to pursue a profession regardless of financial, bureaucratic, moral or physical constraints. We demand political decisions that make it easier to enter care professions. We demand political decisions to adequately pay for and value care work. Politics and society must create humane conditions for workers and patients.

We demand political framework conditions that on the one hand effectively combat human trafficking, but on the other hand make self-determined sex work possible – unencumbered by pointless visits to the authorities and stigmatising health instructions.

We also demand an anti-racist immigration policy that does not divide people into undesirable „economic refugees“ and desirable professionals. The dying at the EU’s external borders must stop! We demand that refugees & other immigrants can live here under humane conditions and do not have to constantly fear for their residence status or for being deported.

Not least, we dream of a system that takes the climate crisis seriously: Capitalism is causing the climate catastrophe, because it exploits natural resources – similar to care activities – which are at the same time the basis for all economic activity. Environmental damage & CO2 emissions are externalised from costs and ignored. If these were included into costs, there could no longer be a „business as usual“ in the economy – it would just not be „profitable“.

Without a shift away from the consumption that capitalism demands and encourages, we are certain to miss any climate goals. It is no coincidence that we are standing in front of the City Galerie for this anti-capitalist part of our demonstration. Climate catastrophes destroy livelihoods, kill people and cause large-scale refugee movements. They often affect women even more than men, most severely people in the Global South. Meanwhile, it is also women & FLINTA, especially in the Global South, who are at the forefront of the fight against the climate crisis. The effects of the climate catastrophe, already clearly visible today, will worsen if neither governments nor economy are willing to take effective measures, such as expanding public transport and cycling or a speed limit on motorways. Let’s take it into our hands to build pressure from below!

In the following, the Offenes Frauentreffen Ausgburg and the Rote Jugend Schwaben talk about their anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal demands. We would like to point out that the contributions explicitly deal with violence. Talk to the awareness team if you are not feeling well and/or need to talk.

Offenes Frauentreffen Augsburg

Dear comrades, dear friends

All over the world, we are witnessing women taking to the streets to fight for a world beyond their oppression. These struggles are consistently tried to be smashed by the state. Looking at Iran we see how the struggles of women, who are fighting for nothing less than their future and their freedom, are tried to be extinguished with the highest form of aggression by the state. They do not shy away from confronting the protesters with violence in the streets, which even leads to deaths.

Looking at the women in Rojava, we see, how they are fighting for a self-determined life. Their self-governing structures are repeatedly attacked by the Turkish military.

But we don’t have to look that far for a fight against patriarchy. Even here we women suffer under the patriarchal system, because it goes hand in hand with capitalism.

The unpaid care work of women, as well as the low pay of of so-called „women’s professions“, is essential for capitalism and ensures the survival of this system, along with other mechanisms of oppression.

Therefore, there will never be real, sustainable solutions to our problems in this social structure. We will always be exposed to everyday sexism and constantly have to do underpaid or even unpaid work.

But we are not exposed to this situation without a fight. Because if we put down our unpaid care work, we have the possibility to declare war on this system and together build up pressure from below!

Let us take an example from our strong and courageous sisters worldwide!

When we’re on strike, the world stands still! For a life in freedom!

Rote Jugend Schwaben

Today is march 8th. The origins of march 8th come from the workers‘ movement in the Soviet Union.

On March 8, 1917, women textile workers in Russia went on strike, ending the February revolution. 90,000 people marched the streets and fought for higher wages, better working conditions, shorter working hours and defended themselves against the unreasonable living conditions in capitalism. The German socialist Clara Zetkin then named March 8th the International Women’s Day to honor the role of women in the February Revolution.

Since then, on march 8th, we have been taking to the streets to draw attention to the situation of women in capitalism. Because even 106 years later we still have to fight for equality! As women, we face countless burdens everyday.

We are beeing threatened with sexual harassment everytime we leave the house – Sexual harassment beeing one of the many instruments of the patriarchy patriarchy – to keep us feeling small and weak, so that we don’t dare to rebel against this patriarchal system! And if we fight back, they won’t believe us: neither in our everyday life nor in court! This country, its  Officials and its judges, prefer to believe the perpetrators than those affected. Especially women from Working class find it difficult to defend themselves against sexual harassment in the workplace, considering these are usually subject to a strong economic dependency. The state and capital will not protect us!

We need to combine a structure of self-defense-mechanism among women with women’s solidarity with other Women, practice, learn and live this combination!

So believe your sisters when they tell you about an assault. Support and protect each other! This state will not protect us, our sisters will!

In addition to the everyday danger of sexual harassment, women take on the majority of the unpaid housework: cleaning, cooking, washing, raising children. Proletarian women usually bear double the burden, since they are not only employed, but in addition to their paid work they take care of the unpaid housework. The unpaid work performed by women is neither valued nor rewarded. It remains invisible and becomes the subordinate to paid work.

Women are also exposed to a mental and psychological burden. In addition to the unpaid housework, many of them organize the everyday life of the family: the child has to go to school, the laundry or the shopping has to be done, and so on .

We demand that everyone, especially men, help their mothers and wives with the housework and help organize everyday life to a noticeable extent and to take responsibility for themselves!

And finally, we demand that unpaid work will be socialized!

In addition to the unpaid housework, most women are also workers. They will often be pushed into part-time jobs by gender roles. As a result, women earn less than men and are therefore more subject to economic dependencies. In addition, women are still not paid equally. We demand safe and decent working and living conditions! We demand that women earn the same wage as men!

A year ago, the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine began. It is clear to all that war means death, suffering and Devastation. But the situation of women in war is rarely addressed. Not only do they have to watch their brothers and sons serve as cannon fodder for Capitalists to serve and die, women in particular fall victim to a specificweapon of war: rape. Rape is a common act of war committed by soldiers to prove once again the dominance of men over women and to demonstrate power over territory gained through war.

We challenge you all to fight wars worldwide! We demand an end to rape as a weapon of war!

But why is all that? Why are women still suppressed, after more than 200 years of struggle?

The answer is: capitalism has still not been overthrown!

Patriarchy and capitalism are closely intertwined and only with the fall of capitalism patriarchy will also fall and all genders will have the opportunity to lead a liberated life! Gender roles emerged to protect capitalistic structures. In addition, queer people get oppressed as a way of sanctioning patriarchal structures if you dare to rebel against gender roles.

Capitalism benefits from maintaining patriarchy. so It is convenient for capitalism that we do unpaid housework, it pushes us into the so-called women’s jobs with lower wages or stimulates our consumer behavior through crude beauty ideologies.

Capitalism benefits from keeping us women small and that we, thanks to female socialization, are way less likely to become revolutionary personalities in the first place.

In order to overthrow patriarchy and liberate all genders, capitalism must be deprived of its economic basis. Abolish Private ownership of factories, schools, universities, hospitals, so that the first prerequisites of women’s liberation can be met! Socialism is the first prerequisite for women’s liberation.

The second requirement is a social revolution within socialism. The Women’s revolution can only be over when all sexist and capitalist behaviors have been eradicated from our society.

The liberation of women is only over when our queer comrades-in-arms are not afraid of violence and discrimination and can lead an equal life!

Women’s liberation will end when all genders are liberated!

And therefore: join the fight against capital and patriarchy! Let’s tear down the foundation of patriarchy together! Down with capitalism! Down with the patriarchy!

Bread and roses for the workers! For socialism! For the women’s revolution!

Closing rally Townhall Square

Fstrk Aux

Feminist struggles for equal pay have a tradition.

The Goals of the „Allgemeiner Deutscher Frauenverein“ (General German Women’s Association), founded in 1865, were right of women to gainful employment that secures their livelihood, equal pay for equal work and improved education for girls. The association was a reaction to the Lex Otto, a law that forbade women to publish newspapers or work as editors.

Patriarchal ideologies were responsible for occupational bans, voting bans and the depriviation of women & queers. Feminists at that time tried to achieve equality through the right to education and work. Labor unions played an important role as organising groups in this context. Today, the women’s associations of Verdi or DGB campaign for issues of equality at work.

Last week, workers in the public transport sector went on strike. This was followed by warning strikes in hospitals and at the public utility company. Today, workers in day-care centres and social institutions are on strike. The strikes show how much the system depends on these mainly flinta*-dominated professions. We stand in solidarity with the strikers & support their demands.

Silke Klos-Pöllinger from the Equal Pay Day Alliance and Verdi now speaks about their demands for equality at work as well as retirement provision.

In a passionate poem, the DGB women put their demands succinctly.


Dear women, dear participants,

Today, so many different groups are here to jointly set an example for real gender justice in this country. Together we do this every year with the Equal Pay Day Action Alliance, which was out and about yesterday in the city centre with information, and for which I have the honour of speaking again today.

I am a labor unionist: because I know and want to convince that women have to organise and unite to fight for better wages, salaries and working conditions. In Augsburg and everywhere. Because nothing works alone!

 It is a scandal that in Germany women still earn on average 18 percent less than men. In Bavaria it is even 21 per cent less! That sets us almost at the bottom of the league in Germany.

It is a scandal that far too little is still being done to remove the many obstacles that prevent women from participating equally in working life: Too few childcare options, too few flexible working time models, too few part-time management positions, no fair sharing of unpaid family work, still far too many mini-jobs without social security!

It is a scandal that in typical female professions in the health sector, in trade, in the services, they are still paid less than in typical technology-oriented so-called male professions!

Many employers shouldn’t be surprised if they can’t get any more skilled workers. Those who are looking for skilled workers cannot do without women! They have to change working conditions and create better framework conditions. So finally: upgrade women’s jobs – not only through recognition and praise, but through financial upgrading and fair pay!

The trade union ver.di is currently on strike in the collective bargaining round in the public sector: today, for example, workers in the municipal social and educational services went on strike. Please support your female colleagues and other public sector workers and stand in solidarity and argue for them wherever you can. This is also women’s solidarity in action.

We want higher wages for women-dominated professions in the service and social sectors! But women not only earn less than men, women also receive on average 45 % less pension than men. That is why we also demand a compensation of the pension gap of women, a curbing of female old-age poverty and more pension points for child-raising and care periods!

Dear women, dear FLINTA*, dear all: Let’s finally break down the barriers to women’s equal participation in working life and stand up with us labor unions, with the Equal Pay Day Alliance, for a future-proof, sustainable and gender-equitable world of work!

DGB Frauen

Without their own pay
women are in a bad way.

If you want to give everything to children,
choose professional life!

Bare your teeth to women‘s stress –
shorter working hours for all!

Good mothers are smart
want to be more than a housewife

Create for every little one
a good daycare spot!

Us women want equal rights
We can steal roses too

Tell every child:
Women into MINT!

Care work and helping the weak
are both not only women’s business

I shout with loud voice:
My body my choice

Mini-jobs and low pay
leaves some women sidelined

and in the end
the pension is missing.

A regulation so unfair we had no words:
Stop tax breaks for married couples!

Whatever we wear, wherever we go –
yes means yes, no means no.

Fight for a better world:
Equal work, equal money!

If someone believes that politics
is not for her and not chic at all
then she is thinking wrong.
With these games she only helps the wrong targets.

Every day on March 8th –
Break the heart of the patriarchy!

Fstrk Aux

Labor unions can make an important contribution when it comes to feminist rights in the workplace.

But, what about the people who are not organised? What about jobs that are invisible and that are mainly done by migrant people. What about unpaid care work, housework, raising children, caring for relatives?

In order to draw attention to these problems, Latin American activists in particular are resorting to general strikes – and thus shut down large parts of the national infrastructure. In 2016, the Argentinian movement Ni una menos used the general strike as a form of protest against gender-specific violence against women and queers. The movement denounces this violence as a structural problem and focuses on the unequal treatment of flinta*s. Inspired by the Argentinian feminist movement, the Feminist Strike Committee Augsburg was founded in 2018.

When we strike, the world stands still – the motto of the international Feminist Strike Day makes it very clear that we are many. And that we have to organise ourselves.

We declare war on the crises of the systems! We stand in solidarity with feminist struggles worldwide! 8 March is every day!

The Yeni Kadin organisation now invites everyone to join in Kurdish dances. We stand in solidarity with Kurds worldwide who are fighting for their right to exist in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq.

Wir müssen über Macht sprechen!

Zum Augsburg Journal Reporter Beitrag „Zehn Macherinnen zum Weltfrauentag“

„Weltfrauentag? Haben wir das ganze Jahr!“ schreibt die kostenlose Zeitung „Augsburg Journal Reporter“. Die Begründung dieser These: Augsburg sei die bayerische Stadt mit den meisten weiblichen Spitzenkräften.

Dieser Einstieg suggeriert, dass nur am Weltfrauentag, Frauen das Sagen haben. Der Weltfrauentag oder, wie wir ihn nennen, der Feministische Kampftag ist nicht dazu da, ein einzelnes Blitzlicht auf die Leistungen von Frauen zu werfen. Sonst wäre er nur Symboltag ohne Einfluss.

Top Ten Frauen: weiß, privilegiert, leistungsbereit

Aber weiter im Text: Wer sind die Top Ten zum Frauentag? Weiße Frauen in einflussreichen Positionen, die den Lesenden Tipps geben wie „Machen! Wirklich, es ist dieses einfach machen!“ und „Gebt nicht auf, ihr müsst stets einmal mehr aufstehen als hinfallen.“ Diese neoliberale, protestantische Geschichte von der lohnenden Leistung – zum Kotzen. Unter den „Macherinnen an der Macht“ ist neben der Oberbürgermeisterin, der Universitätspräsidentin und einer Vorstandsvorsitzenden der Stadtsparkasse auch Susanne Wiegand, CEO der Renk Group, die in der Titelgeschichte als Heldin der Rüstungsindustie gefeiert wird.

CEO eines führenden Rüstungsunternehmens – natürlich nicht in High Heels

Ihr Porträt als Führungskraft kommt natürlich nicht ohne sexistische Klischees aus: Nach der Schilderung ihrer Frisur und ihrer Kleidung folgen die Schuhe: „Dazu flache Schuhe natürlich. Denn Wiegand ist eine der wichtigsten deutschen Rüstungs-Managerinnen. Dazu passen keine High Heels“. Als ob weibliche CEOs natürlich in High Heels unterwegs wären – sind sie doch das einzig wahre Zeichen weiblicher Macht.

Der Artikel besteht aus verschiedenen Zitaten, die die CEO anderen Medien gegeben hat, unter anderem „Manchmal bin ich die einzige Frau in Besprechungsrunden. Das ist ein Privileg.“ Diese Form des Journalismus ist dazu prädestiniert, Aussagen aus ihrem Zusammenhang zu reißen und ein unklares Bild einer Person zu hinterlassen: Was ist ein Privileg? Dass sie als Frau an den Verhandlungstisch gelassen wird? Als Auszeichnung für ihren Fleiß bzw. ihre Leistung? Dass sie in ihrer Art den männlichen Verhandlungspartnern gleicht?

Problematisch ist außerdem, dass der Artikel Wiegand als Prophetin des gestiegenen Sicherheitsbedürfnisses feiert: Seit Mai 2021 setzte sie als CEO bei Renk angeblich konsequent auf den Ausbau der Rüstungssparte „und lag damit richtig“. Denn der russische Einmarsch in die Ukraine veränderte laut Augsburg Journal Reporter das Image der Rüstungsindustrie: „Die Rüstung, das war eben immer die böse Ecke der deutschen Industrie“. Und zitiert wieder Wiegand: „Das ist seit Februar 2022 anders: Auf einmal sind wir notwendig geworden.“

Wir kritisieren

  1. den fehlenden Kommentar zur Auswahl von ausschließlich weißen, privilegierten Frauen
  2. die unreflektierte Erzählung des „Einfach machens“ als Schlüssel für Erfolg als Frau bzw. Erfolg in dieser Gesellschaft
  3. die Stilisierung von erfolgreicher Weiblichkeit ausschließlich im Zusammenhang mit Macht und Profit.
  4. das Loblied auf „den richtigen Riecher“, um mit Krieg Geld zu verdienen, während in Krisengebieten die Fälle von geschlechtspezifischer Gewalt wie Vergewaltigungen explodieren.

Feministischer Kampftag: 8. März 2023 Rathausplatz Augsburg

  1. Eröffnungskundgebung Rathausplatz: internationale Kämpfe
  2. Zwischenkundgebung St. Ulrich: anti-sexistische Kämpfe
  3. Zwischenkundgebung City Galerie: anti-kapitalistische Kämpfe
  4. Abschlusskundgebung Rathausplatz: Arbeitskämpfe

Eröffnungskundgebung Rathausplatz

Feministisches Streikkomitee Augsburg (F*streik Aux)

Die Krisen stecken im System!

Das diesjährige bundesweite Motto der feministischen Streiks & Demos zum 8. März. Unsere Antwort auf die multiplen Krisen der Systeme: Feministisch streiken weltweit!

Von der Evakuierung eines Augsburger Altenheims bis zur Schließung der Bobinger Geburtshilfe – die Krise des Gesundheitssystems ist real. Die Konflike in den nur ohnehin spärlich vorhandenen Unterkünften für Geflüchtete spitzen sich nicht erst durch den Krieg in der Ukraine zu. Die Energiekrise trifft unterdessen vor allem Augsburger Geringverdienende, darunter vor allem Alleinerziehende. Wir wissen: Die Krisen stecken im System! Wir wissen: Kapitalismus und Patriarchat sind dafür verantwortlich! Wir wollen das nicht hinnehmen! Wir streiken!

Welche Menschen wohnen in Alten- und Pflegeheimen, in denen oft unmenschliche Zustände herrschen? 61,6 Prozent sind Frauen. Welche Menschen arbeiten in der Pflege mit teilweise untragbaren Arbeitsbedingungen? Etwas mehr als drei von vier Pflegefachkräften sind Frauen. Welche Menschen gehören zu denjenigen, die am Existenzminimum leben? 17,5 Prozent der deutschen Frauen waren 2021 von Einkommensarmut betroffen, im Gegensatz zu 15,7 Prozent der Männer. Auch bei den Geringfügigbeschäftigten ist der Anteil der Frauen größer als der der Männer. Und im Alter rächen sich außerdem die sogenannten „unterbrochenen Erwerbsbiographien“ von Frauen: Alleinstehende Frauen über 65 gelten zu 20 Prozent als arm und das liegt an häufigerer Teilzeitbeschäftigung und Verdienstausfall durch Kinder- und Angehörigenpflege.

Wir sprechen von Frauen, weil die Daten nur weiblich gelesene Personen erfassen. Dennoch ist klar, dass auch andere nicht als männlich wahrgenommene Personen – FLINTAs – die Benachteiligten in diesem System sind. FLINTAs meint Frauen, lesbische, inter, nicht-binäre, trans, agender Personen und alle, die nicht in die binäre Logik der cis-männlich dominierten Welt passen. Darunter auch Schwarze Personen, Menschen der BIPOC Community. Ebenso Menschen, die sich nicht der Verwertungslogik der kapitalistischen Welt unterwerfen können oder wollen. Am meisten trifft es die, die zu mehreren der genannten Kategorien gehören. BIPOC steht für Black, indigenious people of colour, also Menschen, die nicht weiß sind. 

Wir sagen Nein zu diesem männlich dominierten System? 

Auf der ganzen Welt rebellieren FLINTA-Personen gegen die Unterdrückung durch patriarchale und kapitalistische Systeme: gegen die Kriege, die die Herrschenden auf dem Rücken der Bevölkerung austragen; gegen die Klimakatastrophe, die von zu vielen Entscheidungsträger*innen noch geleugnet, ignoriert oder befeuert wird; gegen rechte Kräfte, die mit ihren rückwärtsgewandten, menschenverachtenden Ideologien immer mehr Macht auf sich vereinen. 

Der Slogan „Jin Jiyan Azadi“ (Frauen Leben Freiheit) der revolutionären kurdischen Bewegung hallt aktuell durch die von Frauen angeführte Revolution im Iran in der ganzen Welt wider: von Lateinamerika über Rojava (Nord-Ost-Syrien) und Teheran bis nach Europa! Als lautes Zeichen gegen die Einschränkung und Verweigerung von Menschenrechten. Gemeinsam kämpfen wir die feministischen Kämpfe für eine Gesellschaft, in der ein gutes Leben für alle möglich ist. Gemeinsam kämpfen auch wir gegen Geschlechterungerechtigkeit, für sexuelle und körperliche Selbstbestimmung und für „eine Welt, in die viele Welten passen“ – wie die Zapatista-Bewegung es ausdrückt.

Wir, das Feministische Streikkomitee Augsburg, solidarisieren uns mit den feministischen Kämpfen weltweit und mit denen vor unserer Haustür. Die Krisen stecken in den Systemen! Sie sind hausgemacht und wir haben es in der Hand, diese Ungerechtigkeiten zu beenden!

Wir fordern:

  • Bezahlte Care-Arbeit, denn systemrelevante Tätigkeiten wie Kinderbetreuung, Pflege von Angehörigen, Freund*innen, aber auch Fürsorge gegenüber sich selbst darf nicht zur Überlastung bzw. zum existenziellen Nachteil werden.
  • Keine Profite mit Gesundheit & Care! Die Probleme im Gesundheitswesen entstehen nicht zuletzt durch die Privatisierung von Gesundheitseinrichtungen, die mit Sorge-Arbeit Geld verdienen müssen und die Profite über das Wohlergehen der Patient*innen stellen. 
  • Schutz vor Gewalt & eine sichere Unterkunft bei Gefährdung. Die Plätze in den Frauenhäusern des Bezirks kommen bei weitem nicht an die gesetzlichen Vorgaben heran. FLINTAs in Geflüchtetenunterkünften benötigen besondere Schutzangebote. Zudem mangelt es an Schutzräumen und Beratungsstellen für Queers und trans Personen.
  • Bleiberecht für alle, denn kein Mensch ist illegal. Fluchtgründe dürfen nicht über das Bleiberecht und den Wert eines Menschen entscheiden. Zumal viele Menschen durch den Klimawandel ihre Existenzgrundlage verlieren werden, wodurch sogenannte Wirtschaftsfluchtbewegungen drastisch zunehmen werden.
  • Sichere medizinische Versorgung für Schwangere, Gebärende & Personen, die sich für einen Schwangerschaftsabbruch entscheiden. Personalnot und Klinikschließungen gefährden dieses Menschenrecht in der Region sowie in ganz Deutschland!   
  • Zeit & Möglichkeit für politische Teilhabe! Überlastung durch Lohn- oder Care-Arbeit, Sprachbarrieren oder das Gefühl der politischen Machtlosigkeit dürfen Menschen nicht von einer aktiven Beteiligung abhalten.  · politische Unterstützung für politisch verfolgte Aktivist*innen, FLINTA & LGBTQIA+ Personen im Iran, in Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Rojava über die Solidaritätsbekundungen hinaus

Feministisch streiken weltweit: das ist unsere Antwort auf Patriarchat und Kapitalismus. Für eine Welt, in der alle ein gutes Leben führen können – das ist unsere feministische Utopie. 

FLINTA weltweit kämpfen für diese Utopie. Doch sie kämpfen unter sehr unterschiedlichen Bedingungen. 

Das Aktionsbündnis JinJiyanAzadi_Aux spricht über die Bedingungen der mutigen Menschen im Iran, die für Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit kämpfen.

Im Anschluss daran spricht Lea für ZAM e. V., dem Zusammenschluss Augsburger Migranten(selbstorganisationen) über Solidarität im Konkreten.

Dilan von Yeni Kadin Plattform Augsburg rückt anschließend die feministischen Kämpfe in der Türkei in den Fokus.


Am feministischen Kampftag wollen wir FLINTA feiern, die für gleiche Rechte sowie für die Verwirklichung eines demokratischen Systems kämpfen. Nach fünf Monaten der Jina- Revolution wollen wir einen Blick auf die endlosen Kämpfe der Personen im Iran, auch schon vor 2022, werfen.

Die Frauenbewegung bildete sich schon vor der islamischen Revolution von 1979 und reagierte auf die nicht gleichberechtigte Geschlechterverhältnisse. Nach 79 bildeten sich vermehrt Bündnisse, wodurch die Bewegung enorm wuchs, denn FLINTA wurden stärker unterdrückt denn je. Um den politischen Aktivismus lahmzulegen, wurden sie durch das Regime inhaftiert, gefoltert und zu erzwungenen Geständnissen im nationalen Fernsehen gebracht.

In den 80er Jahren, als Gott für das Regime das Größte war und als die Mütter von Khavaran in den Wartezimmern versammelt waren, um die Habseligkeiten ihrer hingerichteten Kinder abzuholen, verbündeten sie sich und begannen den ewigen Kampf gegen die Herrscher der Islamischen Republik, bis zu ihrem letzten Atemzug.

Sie prangerten die Islamische Republik für Inhaftierung, Folter und Hinrichtung der politischen Aktivist*innen an.

Die Studentenbewegung und die Zunahme der Präsenz von FLINTA an Universitäten in den 90er und 2000er Jahren brachte die Bewegung in eine neue Phase – die Verfassung und frauenfeindlichen Gesetze werden kritisiert.

Der Unterdrückungsapparat und unterstützende extremistische Gruppen nehmen zu Serien an Säureangriffen in der Stadt Isfahan, Messerangriffe und mysteriöse Morde an FLINTA und die kürzlich großangelegten Chemiegas Angriffe auf Mädchenschulen sind Beispiele für den ungehinderten Terrorismus durch die Verbündeten des Regimes mit dem Ziel, der Gesellschaft Unsicherheit und Angst einzuflößen und Frauen zurück in die Position von „Kinder, Küche, Religion“ zu drängen, zusätzlich zu den Einschränkungen, die die Verfassung und das islamische Strafgesetzbuch für FLINTA vorsehen.

Die Unterdrückung hört nicht auf und dennoch funktioniert sie nicht mehr, der gesellschaftliche Wandel, der nicht mehr mit dem aktuellen Regime und seinen Traditionen und Gesetzen vereinbar ist, ist sichtbar: FLINTA sitzen in Umwelt-NGOs, Sozialwerken und LGBTQI- und Menschenrechts-NGOs

Wir wollen deutlich machen: Schon vor der Revolution unter dem Leitsatz „Frau, Leben, Freiheit“ gab es viele Beispiele von Rebellionen durch Frauen gegen das System.

Hier ist zu erwähnen dass der Leitspruch der Revolution Jin Jiyan azadi, also Frau Leben Freiheit, Grundlage, Leitidee und Parole der kurdischen Freiheitsbewegung ist. Diese hat den Ansatz, dass eine Gesellschaft nur so frei sein kann, wie es die Frauen in dieser Gesellschaft sind.

Der Tot von Jina Mahsa Amini war der Auslöser einer neuen Bewegung für die Rechte von FLINTA und die aktuellen versuche, die Bewegung zum Schweigen zu bringen zeigen erneut den tiefen Hass des Regimes auf FLINTA. Dieses System kann nur durch die Unterdrückung überleben.

Es ist offensichtlich, dass die Protest- und Frauenbewegung im Iran, sich nicht länger der islamischen Diktatur beugt, und früher oder später wird sie siegen und zu einem neuen Modell in der Welt für den Kampf um die Menschenrechte werden.

ZAM e. V.

Wir verbünden uns mit den kurdischen und Iranischen FLINTA, die eine Perspektive auf einen Sturz des Regimes und einen Wandel des Systems überhaupt erst eröffnet haben.

Wir verbünden uns mit den kurdischen Freiheitskämpferinnen und Frauen in Rojava, die den Kampf gegen Sexismus und Patriarchat als wichtigsten Kampf ansehen und allen eine Perspektive bieten, die nach einer Welt streben, die auf die Befreiung der Frau, auf ökologischen Prinzipien und sozialistischen Werten beruht.Sie wollen eine Perspektive bieten, wie sich eine Gesellschaft ohne Unterdrückung und Ausbeutung selbst organisieren kann.

Wir verbünden uns mit den Frauen in Afghanistan, die gegen die Vorschriften der Taliban, die Frauen und Mädchen daran hindern, ihre grundlegenden Rechte auf Meinungsäußerung, Freiheit und Bildung wahrzunehmen, gegen dieses Regime auf die Straße gehen, trotz Angst vor Verhaftung, Folter und Mord.

Wir verbünden uns mit den feministischen Kämpfen in Lateinamerika, die neben den klassischen Kämpfen des Feminismus wie dem Recht auf Abtreibung, gegen patriarchale Gewalt und politische Partizipation eine radikale Infragestellung des neoliberalen Kapitalismus z.B. in Chile kämpferisch einfordern.

Wir verbünden uns mit allen feministischen Kämpfen weltweit, die gegen die Unterdrückung und für Gleichberechtigung kämpfen.

Ich bin nicht frei, solange noch eine einzige Frau unfrei ist, auch wenn sie ganz andere Ketten trägt als ich!

Audre Lorde

Yeni Kadin Plattform Augsburg

Hallo liebe Frauen und liebe Genossinnen

Merhaba, kizkardeslerimiz
Hevale delal, Serseran Sercavan

Heute überall auf der Welt gehen die Frauen gegen das Patriarchalische kapitalistische System auf die Straße.
Der 8. März ist ein Aufruf zum Widerstand.
Der 8. März ist der Kampf um die Rückeroberung unserer Rechte und Freiheiten, die uns genommen/gestohlen wurden.
Der 8. März ist der Kampf, um die Umschreibung der Geschichte mit einem weiblichen Geschlechterbewusstsein.
Der 8. März ist ein Widerstand und Kampf gegen die patriarchalische Gesellschaft.

Eine Gesellschaft, welche Frauen unterdrückt, versklavt, ihre Arbeitskraft ausbeutet und sie zum zweiten Geschlecht macht. Mit der aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Krise und den steigenden Preisen hat sich die Verarmung drastisch zugespitzt. In dieser Krise steigt auch das Gewalt Potenzial gegenüber Frauen und Kindern genauso der Rassismus und der Sexismus.

Gewalt gegen Frauen ist zu einer Femizide geworden. Tagtäglich verlieren weltweit fast 150 Frauen ihr Leben durch männliche Gewalt. Männliche Gewalt, wegen der wir unser Blick auch seit Wochen in den Iran richten.

JINA AMINI wurde zum Symbol des Freiheitkampfes, und mit JINA AMINI erhebt sich nun ein SLOGAN Jin Jiyan Azadi auf der ganzen Welt. In Iran schreiben Frauen weiterhin Geschichte mit ihrem Kampf gegen das Patriarchat, in dem sie Tot und Folter riskieren.

Schauen wir in die Türkei: Unter dem AKP Regime hat die Gewalt gegen Frauen um 1.400 % zugenommen.

1.400 %. Lasst es auf euch wirken.

Der Druck auf die Frauen nimmt zu. Abgeordnete, Journalistinnen, Studentinnen werden verhaftet, Frauen werden in der Öffentlichkeit belästigt. Die Rechte und Freiheiten werden angegriffen. Rechte, welche Frauen auf Kosten ihres Lebens errungen haben. Die Frauen in der Türkei wissen ganz genau, dass eine viele dunklere Zeit bevorsteht, wenn sie nicht das Patriarchat bekämpfen. Trotz aller Unterdrückung von der männlichen und staatlichen Gewalt gehen sie auf die Straße.

Die Frauenbewegung macht Hoffnung. Denn die stärkste Widerstandsbewegung in der Türkei ist die Frauen Bewegung. Dort schließen sich Frauen aller Nationalitäten (Türkische, kurdische, armenische, assyrische Frauen) zusammen und verteidigen ihre Rechte und kämpfen für die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter.

Auch möchte ich paar Wörter zu Istanbul Konvention sagen.

Die Istanbul Konvention fordert die Beseitigung der Diskriminierung von Frauen und die Beseitigung aller Ungleichheiten. Es wurde von vielen europäischen Ländern unterzeichnet. Das Dokument garantiert die Bekämpfung der männlichen Dominanz und fordert die Stärkung der Frauen. Die Istanbul Konvention ist ein sehr wichtiger Schritt und großer Erfolg im Rahmen der Prävention von Gewalt gegen Frauen, und trotzdem werden seine Anforderungen nicht erfüllt.

Wir schauen in die weite Welt und sehen all die Korruption und Unterdrückung. Eine Wirklichkeit, die unsere Freiheit und unser Leben gefährdet. Eine Wirklichkeit die wir verändern müssen. Der Mann profitiert am patriarchalisch kapitalistischen System. Er wird diese Wirklichkeit nicht ändern.

Für eine Änderung müssen wir uns zusammenschließen.

Denn wir Frauen wollen eine gerechte Welt – eine gewaltfrei Welt.
Wir wollen eine Zukunft ohne Kriege und Krisen und ohne patriarchalisch kapitalistische System.

Wir werden niemals alleine gehen, lass uns die Solidarität der Frauen noch weiter stärken. JIN JIYAN AZADI 
Frauen Leben Freiheit
Nein heißt Nein

Zwischenkundgebung St. Ulrich

F*streik Aux

Ein Schauplatz des feministischen Kampfes sind die Körper von Flinta* Personen. FLINTA* ist eine Abkürzung und steht für Frauen, Lesben, intergeschlechtliche, nichtbinäre, trans und agender Personen.

Wir stellen uns gegen alle patriarchalen Kategorien, in die unsere Körper gepresst werden: nicht schön genug, zu schön, zu fett, zu dürr, zu groß, zu klein, zu schwarz, zu asiatisch, zu bleich, zu viele Kinder, zu wenig Kinder, zu jung, zu alt, zu sexy, zu tomboy – die Liste ist endlos.

Wir sind keine Objekte, wir sind unsere eigenen Subjekte – mit all unseren Stärken, Schwächen, Eigenschaften und Merkmalen. Wir alle haben solche patriarchalen Denkmuster verinnerlicht und es ist an uns allen, diese aktiv zu verlernen. 

Besonders perfide sind die Angriffe von selbsternannten Feministinnen auf die körperliche Selbstbestimmung von trans und inter Personen unter dem Deckmantel ihres Feminismus. 

Auf dem Rücken von trans Personen wiederholen sich hier patriarchale Argumente: Sogenannte Trans Excluding Radical Feminists, kurz TERFs, weisen trans, agender und inter Personen fremdbestimmt deren biologisches Geschlecht zu oder leugnen schlicht die Existenz der Kategorien Trans und Inter. Sie verteidigen die binäre Geschlechtsstruktur. Nicht verwunderlich, dass TERFs vermehrt den Schulterschluss mit rechten Strukturen eingehen. TERFs oder Rechte – beide wollen die binäre Kategorie der „Frau“ beschützen und verstärken hierbei patriarchale Denkmuster und Geschlechtskategorien. Das ist nicht feministisch und solidarisch, sondern spaltend und ausgrenzend. 

Ausgrenzung statt Solidarität – das ist nicht unser Feminismus! Wir solidarisieren uns mit den feministischen Kämpfen von trans, agender und inter Personen. Für das Recht auf körperliche Selbstbestimmung aller! 

Das bestehende System nutzt Stigmatisierung und Hass, um die körperliche und sexuelle Selbstbestimmung von FLINTA*s einzuschränken.

  • Dazu gehören einengende Rollenklischees wie sie Frau Tacheles serviert! im Redebeitrag anspricht.
  • Dazu gehört die skandalöse medizinische Versorgungslage, die sich Schwangere in Augsburg ausgesetzt sehen, wie die Medical Students for Choice ansprechen werden.
  • Dazu gehört die Bigotterie in Bezug auf weiblich gelesene Körper, über die das Oben-Ohne-Kollektiv sprechen wird.
  • Dazu gehört die Diskriminierung und das Othering von queeren Personen, also , die Zuschreibung, „anders“ oder nicht „normal“ im Sinne der heteronormativen Gesellschaft zu sein. Darüber wird Miranda Ala sprechen.
  • Abschließend wird die Queer-AG des Offenen Antifa-Treffens noch etwas zur Situation von Transpersonen, zu Gewalterfahrung und TERFs sagen. Hier nochmal der Hinweis: Das Awareness-Team ist für dich da, wenn du dich unwohl mit den Inhalten fühlst und wenn du reden möchtest.

Frau Tacheles serviert!

What I want

I want the obvious.
I want, the equality that is not up for negotiation,
that was promised to me on paper,
but does not arrive in reality and in our daily lives.

I want my worth NOT to be measured,
by the color of my skin,
my sexual orientation and
and certainly not by my genitals!

I want,
a life without the straitjacket of role clichés.

I want to decide about my body,
without having to justify myself to anyone.
My body my choice

I want the female orgasm to have the same value as the male one.

I don’t want your fear,
because your fear infiltrates my brain,
locks me up and sets limits where there should be none.

I want more shamelessness.
Because a free mind is followed by a free body that unhinges the world.

I want to move freely,
because my life is a presence event
by day and by night.

I want moral courage.
I want us to break through the glass ceiling, because we need a breath of fresh air.
I want, free development without the constant phrase in my head „what will people think?“
I want a life away from the perfectionism mania.
No, I want to fall on my face and be able to get up again with momentum!

I want honesty,
that otherwise remains unspoken,
that opens eyes.

I want open conversations.
In which we put everything on the tray for everyone to see.
So that we recognize,
that reality has nothing to do with the clichés constantly produced in the media,
but with you and with me
in the here and now.
I want that we also get rid of our prejudices
and that we stop criticizing each other.

I want us FLINTA*S to demand more participation from men.
Good parenting is not dependent on gender.
Trust fathers more,
don’t ignore them, but involve them.
and teach them the knowledge that you have received since childhood.

Patriarchy does not die out on its own.
It must be carried to the grave.
Every day a little bit.
With every gesture that is rejected.
With every stupid saying that is countered.
With every person who raises their voice against injustice.
With every demand until it becomes a matter of course.
With every protest that finds more and more supporters.
With every man who recognizes that community is not at home in power imbalances and equality is a path we must walk together.

I want my courage to ignite yours.

Women unite!
Women in power!

Medical Student for Choice

Hello everyone,

We are Katja and Greta, medical students in Augsburg and part of Medical students for choice which is a part of the group Critical Medicine Augsburg.

A safe, timely and affordable absorption is a human right. That’s not just our opinion but that of the World Health Organization as well as Amnesty. Abortion is an essential part of bodily autonomy and as such fundamental for gender equality, equal opportunities and a free life.

Why is it so hard, for a person carrying an unwanted pregnancy, to get an abortion?

It starts with finding a doctor. In Augsburg there is not a single one that officially performs an abortion after counseling  — at 1000 people carrying an unwanted pregnancy and are thus forced to travel at least to Munich. That is an unacceptable gap in the provision of medical care. Augbsurg not the only and by far not the worst example. People all over Germany are affected by this tight supply situation.

On top of that, abortion is heavily stigmatized by the public. According to § 218 of the German penal code punishable by law. According to opponents murder and often harshly judged by friends and family. This stigmatization doesn’t only affect the person carrying the unwanted pregnancy but is also enforcing the inadequate provision of medical care as it is a lot harder for doctors to offer abortion.

Lastly, not only contraceptives are very expensive. Also abortion is and most of the time both are not covered by health insurance.

You shouldn’t have to go to another city for a human right. You shouldn’t be stigmatized for making use of a human right and you shouldn’t have to pay for a human right.

That’s why we demand:

  • A supply of abortion that is covering the needs!
  • Free contraceptives and health insurance that covers abortion!
  • No more stigmatization of abortion!
  • No more §218!
  • For a self-determined and free life!

My body – my choice!


I wake up and I’m still hanging around a bit sluggish, but I know, today will be my day! So first shower, that’s gonna wake me up for sure. I cover myself briefly and scurry into the bathroom. Uh, fresh the window was open during the night. So quickly under the warm shower and finally the sooting water runs over me. Oh yeah, freedom, fresh, wet.

Being out of the shower, I’m already fresher. A short question is sent to me: are my roommates here? Yes, the coffee machine is running. So I wrap myself in my towel, just in case, and run back to my room. Off I go to get dressed for the feminist strike day. I look forward to this all year! First, the purple sweatpants get put on and then it’s my turn. And: I am bagged, until today it is actually unclear to me why. Yes, why am I always bagged? Everywhere I am hidden, covered, and not discovered. Not even my contours are allowed to be seen, no. I am not allowed to be a part of this body. I am too visible without a bra layer over me, I am offensive without a bikini over me, I am censored on the Internet, in the news they discuss about me.

I feel used because only trimmed I am needed. Yes, when it comes to sex, then they show me, then they put me on display. Only then I am needed. Then I have space. Yes, life as a nipple on breasts is not so easy. If only everyone knew that.

Last summer, for example, I was swimming in the outdoor pool. Well, I wasn’t swimming. I was squeezed into tops and could only get a glimpse of the water. I wasn’t allowed to ride the slide… And I wasn’t allowed to feel the sun on me and hang out like so many do. Many nipples hang freely in the summer, they bounce, and swing and jump. What do they have what I do not have? Isn’t the question actually: what do I have that they don’t have? Exactly. I have sexualization. Because I am attached to breasts, I am sexualized and staged. In the open-air swimming pool I tried to defend myself, I just wanted to be free, I peeked out for a moment, made room for myself and what did that get me? The pool attendant came and I was packed away again – so the statement of the green party apparently didn’t help.

But we did not want to stop and we remained uncomfortable. We complained and continued to fight – we established a connection with the green party. But they said we were too loud, too much, too offensive, too complicated, too naked. Rewrite the bathing rules? That would be too controversial an act. „Theoretically it is not forbidden to swim with nipples, but to make a big fuss about it? What does the CSU have to say about that?“

I didn’t care! Therefore we remained persistent- kept on asking, made suggestions: we need signs and education, so that everyone finally knows it and can feel free and safe!!!

„But no, that would be too risky!“ Fighting for equality yes, but only quietly and within our means and only with broad social acceptance. And also only if it does not disturb anyone, and if it is not so much effort, and if I can smile while doing it.

But that’s just no good, and that’s why we are here today, because today we say: NO!

I just want to chill, not justify myself, be free, hang out! Not ashamed of myself, but accept what I am. I want to have ease, be allowed to exist. I don’t want to have to stand on a podium and discuss my justification for existence.

That’s why we’re doing it together today, being properly loud, taking the space and room we deserve. Literally letting off our anger and nipples! With many nipples, flags and hanging breasts.

We will nipple the patriarchy away!!!

Miranda Ala

My name is Miranda Ala. I’m 30 years old, born in the Allgäu region of Germany, where I grew up.

I’m of Albanian descent and I was raised based on the traditions and rules of my family. How to be a proper woman, or how to be a proper man was a big part of that.

What I’ve learnt:
Cover your body if there are men around. Keep quiet and let men talk. Serve them, hide your feelings, suppress your needs, smile, be gentle and easy, step back and accept, that men always get away with their behaviour.

I’m a German Albanian woman. And I’m queer. But there is no queer in the world of my family. There is the determined life: man, woman, big wedding, at least two children. And of course look nice, so your man stays with you.

But that’s not who I am. I’m different. That’s what I’ve thought for so many years. I was ashamed, I hid, I got depressed and unhappy.

I had to follow my heart, but I didn’t know, that I could loose my family, my roots, everything. And I did it. I took my way. I burned down old bridges and built new one.

After ten years of being out in the open, finding myself and my voice, I’m able to stand here. I’m able to say, that I am a German-Albanian feminist – and have been ever since. I not only identify as German Albanian woman, because without that privilege of being born in Germany, my chances for an independent life as unmarried woman were bad.

I’m a part of that country and here’s my home. I’ve realized that I’m not that different and that I belong to a wonderful community. As a queer woman with migration background it’s all about: keep it up, trust and just do it. It’s worth it. There are solutions, perspectives, support and meaningful role models.

It took a long time for me to realize: the first feminist I’ve met was my own mother. My mother freed herself from an unhappy marriage while she was living in a foreign country with her two children. She wished for a better life for her children and herself – and made it happen. She was the first woman in our Albanian family who got divorced. “Scandalous!” said our relatives, but a blessing for us.

I’m very thankful for the experience because I learn so much. I’m thankful for the German system, even if there is some work to do. Here is room for more good:

  • healthier thoughts and behaviour, which can save lives and open perspectives.
  • organizations who work on accessibility and diversity.
  • awareness for the necessity of feminism

Feminism is creative thinking.
Feminism means following your heart, being brave and authentic.
Feminism means taking new ways to prepare a good life for the next generations.

Queer-AG OAT

Since the speech came in on short notice we didn’t have the time to translate it. We’re sorry.

Interim rally City Galerie

Fstrk Aux

The crises are in the system – and the system is called capitalism!

Capitalism cements inequalities. Inequalities that are used to justify the exploitation of certain groups of people.

In the capitalist system, every human being has a value, which is based on the mostly random allocation of value to characteristics such as nationality, education, race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability to work and others. All people experience different degrees of discrimination depending on these characteristics – be it racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, classism, ableism and more.

The system plays privileged people against the less privileged: Man against woman, white against Black, rich against poor.

We reject this inhumane system!

Critique on capitalism needs feminism; needs anti-racism; needs anti-classism!

Only if we overcome devaluation and exclusion of certain groups of people is an end to capitalism possible! And only by ending capitalism is the end of devaluation and exclusion possible!

Fight with us for the anti-capitalist feminist utopia and an end to injustice!

Because we dream of a world in which neither reproduction nor production are subject to profit seeking of only a few people. Capitalist systems profit especially from the exploitation of reproductive activities, i.e. care work: this means tasks that keep people productive or alive: Cooking, washing, cleaning, childcare, care for the elderly and sick. These activities are still mainly carried out by FLINTAs (women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans and agender people). Be it at home and unpaid or in low-paid care & education jobs. These activities continue to be made invisible and devalued. But one thing is certain: these activities are crucial in order for the capitalist system to work. It is only through care work that people can do wage labour at all. Without care work, the system would collapse! Hence our slogan: When we strike, the world stands still!

The crisis in the care sector also shows that the pursuit of profit is not compatible with humanity.

Globally, the labour power of FLINTA persons is thus exploited in two ways: as unpaid care work and in low-paid wage work. More frequent part-time employment and „baby breaks“ are also responsible for poor fincancial security at old-age and an ongoing financial dependency, which often also causes patriarchal violence.

We demand:

– Paid care work, because system-relevant activities such as childcare, caring for relatives and friends, but also caring for oneself, must not become an overload or an existential disadvantage.

– No profits with health & care! The problems in the health system are not least due to the privatisation of health institutions, which have to make money with care work and put profits above the well-being of the patients.

We also dream of a different way of working! A factory without bosses, like the collective VIO.ME in Thessaloniki. The workers occupied their company after it went bankrupt and have since been producing environmentally friendly soaps, which are also sold by Die Seiferei in Augsburg. Production, sales, personnel management – the tasks in the factory rotate in a fixed rhythm, everyone pitches in and decisions are made on a grassroots basis. This system has been working for 10 years. And it is threatened again and again from the outside – a fund company has bought the factory’s land and the workers fear for their utopia. We support the struggle of VIO.ME & other lived utopias, of which there are many in the world.

We demand:

– meaningful economic perspectives instead of profit and growth at any price.

– a system that creates time & opportunity for political participation! Overwork due to wage or care work, language barriers or the feeling of political powerlessness must not keep people from active participation.

But we also dream of a world where people have the freedom to pursue a profession regardless of financial, bureaucratic, moral or physical constraints. We demand political decisions that make it easier to enter care professions. We demand political decisions to adequately pay for and value care work. Politics and society must create humane conditions for workers and patients.

We demand political framework conditions that on the one hand effectively combat human trafficking, but on the other hand make self-determined sex work possible – unencumbered by pointless visits to the authorities and stigmatising health instructions.

We also demand an anti-racist immigration policy that does not divide people into undesirable „economic refugees“ and desirable professionals. The dying at the EU’s external borders must stop! We demand that refugees & other immigrants can live here under humane conditions and do not have to constantly fear for their residence status or for being deported.

Not least, we dream of a system that takes the climate crisis seriously: Capitalism is causing the climate catastrophe, because it exploits natural resources – similar to care activities – which are at the same time the basis for all economic activity. Environmental damage & CO2 emissions are externalised from costs and ignored. If these were included into costs, there could no longer be a „business as usual“ in the economy – it would just not be „profitable“.

Without a shift away from the consumption that capitalism demands and encourages, we are certain to miss any climate goals. It is no coincidence that we are standing in front of the City Galerie for this anti-capitalist part of our demonstration. Climate catastrophes destroy livelihoods, kill people and cause large-scale refugee movements. They often affect women even more than men, most severely people in the Global South. Meanwhile, it is also women & FLINTA, especially in the Global South, who are at the forefront of the fight against the climate crisis. The effects of the climate catastrophe, already clearly visible today, will worsen if neither governments nor economy are willing to take effective measures, such as expanding public transport and cycling or a speed limit on motorways. Let’s take it into our hands to build pressure from below!

In the following, the Offenes Frauentreffen Ausgburg and the Rote Jugend Schwaben talk about their anti-capitalist and anti-patriarchal demands. We would like to point out that the contributions explicitly deal with violence. Talk to the awareness team if you are not feeling well and/or need to talk.

Offenes Frauentreffen Augsburg

Dear comrades, dear friends

All over the world, we are witnessing women taking to the streets to fight for a world beyond their oppression. These struggles are consistently tried to be smashed by the state. Looking at Iran we see how the struggles of women, who are fighting for nothing less than their future and their freedom, are tried to be extinguished with the highest form of aggression by the state. They do not shy away from confronting the protesters with violence in the streets, which even leads to deaths.

Looking at the women in Rojava, we see, how they are fighting for a self-determined life. Their self-governing structures are repeatedly attacked by the Turkish military.

But we don’t have to look that far for a fight against patriarchy. Even here we women suffer under the patriarchal system, because it goes hand in hand with capitalism.

The unpaid care work of women, as well as the low pay of of so-called „women’s professions“, is essential for capitalism and ensures the survival of this system, along with other mechanisms of oppression.

Therefore, there will never be real, sustainable solutions to our problems in this social structure. We will always be exposed to everyday sexism and constantly have to do underpaid or even unpaid work.

But we are not exposed to this situation without a fight. Because if we put down our unpaid care work, we have the possibility to declare war on this system and together build up pressure from below!

Let us take an example from our strong and courageous sisters worldwide!

When we’re on strike, the world stands still! For a life in freedom!

Rote Jugend Schwaben

Today is march 8th. The origins of march 8th come from the workers‘ movement in the Soviet Union.

On March 8, 1917, women textile workers in Russia went on strike, ending the February revolution. 90,000 people marched the streets and fought for higher wages, better working conditions, shorter working hours and defended themselves against the unreasonable living conditions in capitalism. The German socialist Clara Zetkin then named March 8th the International Women’s Day to honor the role of women in the February Revolution.

Since then, on march 8th, we have been taking to the streets to draw attention to the situation of women in capitalism. Because even 106 years later we still have to fight for equality! As women, we face countless burdens everyday.

We are beeing threatened with sexual harassment everytime we leave the house – Sexual harassment beeing one of the many instruments of the patriarchy patriarchy – to keep us feeling small and weak, so that we don’t dare to rebel against this patriarchal system! And if we fight back, they won’t believe us: neither in our everyday life nor in court! This country, its  Officials and its judges, prefer to believe the perpetrators than those affected. Especially women from Working class find it difficult to defend themselves against sexual harassment in the workplace, considering these are usually subject to a strong economic dependency. The state and capital will not protect us!

We need to combine a structure of self-defense-mechanism among women with women’s solidarity with other Women, practice, learn and live this combination!

So believe your sisters when they tell you about an assault. Support and protect each other! This state will not protect us, our sisters will!

In addition to the everyday danger of sexual harassment, women take on the majority of the unpaid housework: cleaning, cooking, washing, raising children. Proletarian women usually bear double the burden, since they are not only employed, but in addition to their paid work they take care of the unpaid housework. The unpaid work performed by women is neither valued nor rewarded. It remains invisible and becomes the subordinate to paid work.

Women are also exposed to a mental and psychological burden. In addition to the unpaid housework, many of them organize the everyday life of the family: the child has to go to school, the laundry or the shopping has to be done, and so on .

We demand that everyone, especially men, help their mothers and wives with the housework and help organize everyday life to a noticeable extent and to take responsibility for themselves!

And finally, we demand that unpaid work will be socialized!

In addition to the unpaid housework, most women are also workers. They will often be pushed into part-time jobs by gender roles. As a result, women earn less than men and are therefore more subject to economic dependencies. In addition, women are still not paid equally. We demand safe and decent working and living conditions! We demand that women earn the same wage as men!

A year ago, the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine began. It is clear to all that war means death, suffering and Devastation. But the situation of women in war is rarely addressed. Not only do they have to watch their brothers and sons serve as cannon fodder for Capitalists to serve and die, women in particular fall victim to a specificweapon of war: rape. Rape is a common act of war committed by soldiers to prove once again the dominance of men over women and to demonstrate power over territory gained through war.

We challenge you all to fight wars worldwide! We demand an end to rape as a weapon of war!

But why is all that? Why are women still suppressed, after more than 200 years of struggle?

The answer is: capitalism has still not been overthrown!

Patriarchy and capitalism are closely intertwined and only with the fall of capitalism patriarchy will also fall and all genders will have the opportunity to lead a liberated life! Gender roles emerged to protect capitalistic structures. In addition, queer people get oppressed as a way of sanctioning patriarchal structures if you dare to rebel against gender roles.

Capitalism benefits from maintaining patriarchy. so It is convenient for capitalism that we do unpaid housework, it pushes us into the so-called women’s jobs with lower wages or stimulates our consumer behavior through crude beauty ideologies.

Capitalism benefits from keeping us women small and that we, thanks to female socialization, are way less likely to become revolutionary personalities in the first place.

In order to overthrow patriarchy and liberate all genders, capitalism must be deprived of its economic basis. Abolish Private ownership of factories, schools, universities, hospitals, so that the first prerequisites of women’s liberation can be met! Socialism is the first prerequisite for women’s liberation.

The second requirement is a social revolution within socialism. The Women’s revolution can only be over when all sexist and capitalist behaviors have been eradicated from our society.

The liberation of women is only over when our queer comrades-in-arms are not afraid of violence and discrimination and can lead an equal life!

Women’s liberation will end when all genders are liberated!

And therefore: join the fight against capital and patriarchy! Let’s tear down the foundation of patriarchy together! Down with capitalism! Down with the patriarchy!

Bread and roses for the workers! For socialism! For the women’s revolution!

Closing rally Townhall Square

Fstrk Aux

Feminist struggles for equal pay have a tradition.

The Goals of the „Allgemeiner Deutscher Frauenverein“ (General German Women’s Association), founded in 1865, were right of women to gainful employment that secures their livelihood, equal pay for equal work and improved education for girls. The association was a reaction to the Lex Otto, a law that forbade women to publish newspapers or work as editors.

Patriarchal ideologies were responsible for occupational bans, voting bans and the depriviation of women & queers. Feminists at that time tried to achieve equality through the right to education and work. Labor unions played an important role as organising groups in this context. Today, the women’s associations of Verdi or DGB campaign for issues of equality at work.

Last week, workers in the public transport sector went on strike. This was followed by warning strikes in hospitals and at the public utility company. Today, workers in day-care centres and social institutions are on strike. The strikes show how much the system depends on these mainly flinta*-dominated professions. We stand in solidarity with the strikers & support their demands.

Silke Klos-Pöllinger from the Equal Pay Day Alliance and Verdi now speaks about their demands for equality at work as well as retirement provision.

In a passionate poem, the DGB women put their demands succinctly.


Dear women, dear participants,

Today, so many different groups are here to jointly set an example for real gender justice in this country. Together we do this every year with the Equal Pay Day Action Alliance, which was out and about yesterday in the city centre with information, and for which I have the honour of speaking again today.

I am a labor unionist: because I know and want to convince that women have to organise and unite to fight for better wages, salaries and working conditions. In Augsburg and everywhere. Because nothing works alone!

 It is a scandal that in Germany women still earn on average 18 percent less than men. In Bavaria it is even 21 per cent less! That sets us almost at the bottom of the league in Germany.

It is a scandal that far too little is still being done to remove the many obstacles that prevent women from participating equally in working life: Too few childcare options, too few flexible working time models, too few part-time management positions, no fair sharing of unpaid family work, still far too many mini-jobs without social security!

It is a scandal that in typical female professions in the health sector, in trade, in the services, they are still paid less than in typical technology-oriented so-called male professions!

Many employers shouldn’t be surprised if they can’t get any more skilled workers. Those who are looking for skilled workers cannot do without women! They have to change working conditions and create better framework conditions. So finally: upgrade women’s jobs – not only through recognition and praise, but through financial upgrading and fair pay!

The trade union ver.di is currently on strike in the collective bargaining round in the public sector: today, for example, workers in the municipal social and educational services went on strike. Please support your female colleagues and other public sector workers and stand in solidarity and argue for them wherever you can. This is also women’s solidarity in action.

We want higher wages for women-dominated professions in the service and social sectors! But women not only earn less than men, women also receive on average 45 % less pension than men. That is why we also demand a compensation of the pension gap of women, a curbing of female old-age poverty and more pension points for child-raising and care periods!

Dear women, dear FLINTA*, dear all: Let’s finally break down the barriers to women’s equal participation in working life and stand up with us labor unions, with the Equal Pay Day Alliance, for a future-proof, sustainable and gender-equitable world of work!

DGB Frauen

Without their own pay
women are in a bad way.

If you want to give everything to children,
choose professional life!

Bare your teeth to women‘s stress –
shorter working hours for all!

Good mothers are smart
want to be more than a housewife

Create for every little one
a good daycare spot!

Us women want equal rights
We can steal roses too

Tell every child:
Women into MINT!

Care work and helping the weak
are both not only women’s business

I shout with loud voice:
My body my choice

Mini-jobs and low pay
leaves some women sidelined

and in the end
the pension is missing.

A regulation so unfair we had no words:
Stop tax breaks for married couples!

Whatever we wear, wherever we go –
yes means yes, no means no.

Fight for a better world:
Equal work, equal money!

If someone believes that politics
is not for her and not chic at all
then she is thinking wrong.
With these games she only helps the wrong targets.

Every day on March 8th –
Break the heart of the patriarchy!

Fstrk Aux

Labor unions can make an important contribution when it comes to feminist rights in the workplace.

But, what about the people who are not organised? What about jobs that are invisible and that are mainly done by migrant people. What about unpaid care work, housework, raising children, caring for relatives?

In order to draw attention to these problems, Latin American activists in particular are resorting to general strikes – and thus shut down large parts of the national infrastructure. In 2016, the Argentinian movement Ni una menos used the general strike as a form of protest against gender-specific violence against women and queers. The movement denounces this violence as a structural problem and focuses on the unequal treatment of flinta*s. Inspired by the Argentinian feminist movement, the Feminist Strike Committee Augsburg was founded in 2018.

When we strike, the world stands still – the motto of the international Feminist Strike Day makes it very clear that we are many. And that we have to organise ourselves.

We declare war on the crises of the systems! We stand in solidarity with feminist struggles worldwide! 8 March is every day!

The Yeni Kadin organisation now invites everyone to join in Kurdish dances. We stand in solidarity with Kurds worldwide who are fighting for their right to exist in Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq.

Без феминизма нет антифашизма. Боритесь сейчас по-феминистски!

Призыв к демонстрации в День борьбы феминисток, 8 марта 2024 года

Рост ксенофобии, враждебность к транссексуалам, ужесточение законов о правах на убежища, тайные встречи для планирования депортаций – и вот снова на подъеме правые идеи и бесчеловечная политика.

Левые и феминистские группы уже давно борются против правых, потому что:

„Мы против других“ – для нас это отвратительно! Наше левое движение остаётся нераздельным! В наших утопиях нет места фашистской, неонацистской и правой агитации!

Приходи на демонстрацию на главную площадь Rathausplatz!
В пятницу, 8 марта 2024 года, 16:00

Бороться по-феминистски – значит бороться с фашизмом! В День феминистской борьбы люди FLINTA* по всему миру выходят на улицы против неравенства, дискриминации и насилия. FLINTA* включает в себя женщин, лесбиянок, интер-, небинарных, транс, агендеров и всех остальных людей, которые не вписываются в патриархальное мировоззрение.

Наш феминизм направлен против мировоззрения, в котором якобы сильные „лучше“ якобы слабых; в котором голоса богатых имеют большее значение, чем голоса бедных; в котором человек с университетским образованием стоит выше, чем человек на кассе в супермаркете. Поэтому наш феминизм уже давно является антифашистским!

  •             Мы боремся за мир, в котором все люди одинаково ценятся.
  •             Мы боремся за мир, в котором мы организуем свою жизнь солидарно, а не эгоистично и за счет других.
  •             Мы боремся за мир, в котором неоплачиваемая работа по уходу является задачей всех людей независимо от пола.
  •             Мы боремся за мир, в котором все люди, особенно женщины и квиры, могли бы жить свободно, без консервативных ролевых моделей и угнетения.
  •             Мы боремся за мир, в котором политика основывается не на страхе, а на научных фактах.
  •             Мы боремся за мир, в котором не будет снова нормой выражаться так, что в прошлом привело к уничтожению евреев и евреек, синт*измов, ром*нцев, физически и умственно отсталых людей, квиров, политических и духовных заключенных, коммунистов и коммунисток, а так же бесчисленных жертв войны.

Именно поэтому наш антифашизм является феминистским. Это объявление борьбы всем правым, неофашистским и неонацистским движениям. Это объявление борьбы против патриархальной системы.

  •             Потому что патриархат, фашизм и капитализм используют неравенство людей для обеспечения власти меншинства.
  •             Патриархальные и правые структуры едины в обесценивании женщин, в отрицании существования лесбиянок, интер-, небинарных, транс, агендерных, а также других жизней, которые не вписываются в гетеронормативное мировоззрение.
  •             К тому же: патриархат и правая идеология утверждают, что защищают „маленького человека“. Однако их токсичные идеалы мужественности вредят и мужчинам-бисексуалам.

Наш феминизм стоит на стороне тех людей, которые ежедневно страдают от дискриминации в обществе белокожего большинства: от расизма, антисемитизма, исламофобии и всех видов ксенофобии. На стороне людей, страдающих от сексизма, женоненавистничества, квирфобии, трансфобии и всех форм гендерной дискриминации. На стороне тех, кто страдает от обезценнивания в плане образования, профессии, статуса, физических или психических недостатков.

Приходите 8 марта на День борьбы феминисток! Пусть нас увидят и услышат! Объединимся 2го марта для борьбы за наши феминистские утопии, а так же против правых!

Appello per la giornata di sciopero femminista dell’8 marzo 2023

Le crisi sono nel sistema. Sciopero femminista in tutto il mondo!

Dall’evacuazione di una casa di riposo di Augusta alla chiusura del reparto di Ostetricia di Bobing, la crisi del sistema sanitario è reale. I conflitti nel sistema sanitario nelle già scarse strutture di accoglienza per i rifugiati sta arrivando al culmine, e non solo a causa della guerra in Ucraina. Nel frattempo, la crisi energetica colpisce più duramente i lavoratori a basso reddito di Augusta, soprattutto i genitori single. Lo sappiamo: Le crisi sono nel sistema! Lo sappiamo: il capitalismo e il patriarcato ne sono responsabili! Non vogliamo accettarlo! Noi scioperiamo!

Venite alla Giornata internazionale di lotta femminile dell’8 marzo
Ore 17.00 | Raduno e manifestazione | Rathausplatz Augsburg

Quali persone vivono in case di riposo e di cura dove spesso prevalgono condizioni disumane? Il 61,6% sono donne. Quali persone lavorano nel settore dell’assistenza con condizioni di lavoro insopportabili? Poco più di tre operatori su quattro sono donne. Quali sono le persone che vivono con un livello minimo di sussistenza? Il 17,5 % delle donne tedesche è stato colpito dalla povertà di reddito nel 2021, a differenza del 15,7% degli uomini.Anche la percentuale di donne con un’occupazione marginale è superiore a quella degli uomini. E in età avanzata, anche le cosiddette „biografie lavorative interrotte“ fanno sentire il loro peso. Il 20 % delle donne single con più di 65 anni sono considerate povere, e questo è dovuto a un impiego a tempo parziale a causa della cura dei figli e dei parenti.

Parliamo di donne perché i dati riguardano solo le lettrici. Tuttavia è chiaro che anche altre persone che non sono percepite come maschi – le FLINTA – sono le più svantaggiate in questo sistema. FLINTAs significa donne, lesbiche, inter, non binarie, trans, agender e tutti coloro che non rientrano nella logica binaria del mondo cis-maschile. Questo include le persone di colore, le persone della comunità BIPOC. Inoltre persone che non possono o non vogliono sottomettersi alla logica di sfruttamento del mondo capitalista. I più colpiti sono coloro che appartengono a più di una di queste categorie. BIPOC sta per Black, Indigenous, People of colour, cioè persone che vengono lette come non bianche.

Diciamo no a questo sistema maschilista!

In tutto il mondo, le persone FLINTA si stanno ribellando all’oppressione dei sistemi patriarcali e capitalisti. Contro le guerre che i governanti stanno combattendo sulle sulle spalle dei popoli; Contro la catastrofe climatica che troppi politici e organi di Governo con responsabilità di azione e di decisione negano o ignorano; Contro le forze di destra che con le loro ideologie arretrate stanno conquistando sempre più potere. Lo slogan „Jin Jiyan Azadi“ (Libertà della vita delle donne) del movimento rivoluzionario curdo sta attualmente riecheggiando in tutto il mondo attraverso la rivoluzione guidata dalle donne in Iran. Dall’America Latina al Rojava (Siria nord-orientale), da Teheran all’Europa!
Come un forte segnale contro la restrizione e la negazione dei diritti umani. Insieme combattiamo le lotte femministe per una società in cui una vita soddisfacente sia possibile per tutti. Insieme lottiamo anche contro l’ingiustizia di genere, per l’autodeterminazione sessuale e corporea e per „un mondo in cui molti mondi si fondono“ come dice il movimento Zapatista.

Noi, il Comitato di sciopero femminista di Augusta, siamo solidali con le lotte femministe in tutto il mondo alle nostre porte. Le crisi sono nei sistemi! Sono create dal sistema e noi abbiamo il potere di cambiare il sistema e porre fine a queste ingiustizie!


  • Lavoro di cura retribuito, perché le attività rilevanti per il sistema, come la cura dei bambini, dei parenti, degli amici, ma anche l’attenzione a se stessi, non siano un problema e non diventino un sovraccarico o uno svantaggio esistenziale.
  • No ai profitti con la salute e l’assistenza! I problemi nel settore sanitario sono dovuti alla privatizzazione delle istituzioni sanitarie che devono guadagnare con il lavoro di cura e antepongono i profitti al benessere dei pazienti.
  • Protezione dalla violenza e rifugio sicuro in caso di pericolo. I luoghi di accoglienza per le donne nel territorio non si avvicinano neanche lontanamente ai requisiti di legge. Le FLINTA in strutture per rifugiati hanno bisogno di servizi di protezione speciali. Mancano anche rifugi e centri di consulenza per le persone queer e trans.
  • Diritto di soggiorno per tutti, perché nessuna persona è illegale. I motivi della fuga non devono determinare il diritto di rimanere e il valore di un essere umano. Soprattutto perché, a causa dei cambiamenti climatici, molte persone perderanno i loro mezzi di sostentamento e il movimento di rifugiati per motivi economici aumenterà drasticamente.
  • Assistenza medica sicura per le donne in gravidanza, le donne che partoriscono e le persone che decidono di abortire. La carenza di personale e la chiusura delle cliniche mettono in pericolo questo diritto umano nella regione e in tutta la Germania!
  • Tempo e opportunità di partecipazione politica! Il sovraccarico di lavoro, le barriere linguistiche o la sensazione di impotenza politica non dovrebbero scoraggiare le persone dalla partecipazione attiva.
  • Sostegno politico reale, oltre le espressioni di solidarietà, agli attivisti FLINTA e persone LGBTQIA+ perseguitati politicament in Iran, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, Rojava.

Convocatoria del Día de la Huelga Feminista el 8 de marzo de 2023

La crisis está en el sistema: ¡Hagamos huelgas feministas en todo el mundo!

Desde la evacuación de una residencia de ancianos en Augsburgo hasta el cierre de la clínica obstétrica de Bobingen: la crisis del sistema sanitario es real.

El problema en el sistema sanitario es mayor cada día y nos esta afectando a todas, en casos como la evacuación de una residencia de ancianos en Augsburg hasta la clausura de la clínica obstétrica de Bobingen: la crisis del sistema sanitario es una realidad. Los conflictos en los ya escasos alojamientos para refugiados están llegando a su punto álgido, sin que la razón sea sólo la guerra ucraniana. Mientras tanto, la crisis energética golpea con más dureza a las personas con bajos ingresos en Augsburgo, especialmente a las familias monoparentales. Lo sabemos: ¡La crisis está en el sistema! Lo sabemos: ¡El capitalismo y el patriarcado son responsables de ello! ¡No queremos aceptarlo! ¡Estamos en huelga!

Únete y ven al Día Internacional de la Lucha Feminista el 8 de marzo
17 h | Concentración y Manifestación | Rathausplatz Augsburg

¿Qué personas viven en residencias de ancianos y geriátricos, donde las condiciones son a menudo inhumanas? El 61,6% son mujeres. ¿Qué personas trabajan en centros asistenciales, donde las condiciones laborales son a veces intolerables? Algo más de tres de cada cuatro cuidadores son mujeres. ¿Qué personas pertenecen a las que viven en el nivel de subsistencia? El 17,5% de las mujeres alemanas se vieron afectadas por la pobreza (mínimos ingresos) en 2021, en contraste con el 15,7% de los hombres. Entre los que tienen un empleo marginal, la proporción de mujeres también es mayor que la de hombres. Y en la vejez, las llamadas „biografías laborales interrumpidas“ de las mujeres también se toman su venganza: Se considera que las mujeres solteras mayores de 65 años son pobres en un 20% y esto se debe a la mayor frecuencia del empleo a tiempo parcial y a la pérdida de ingresos por las bajas maternales y familiares.

Hablamos de mujeres porque los datos sólo se refieren a ellas. Sin embargo, está claro que otras personas no percibidas como hombres – FLINTAs – también son las desfavorecidas en este sistema. FLINTAs significa mujeres, personas lesbianas, inter, no binarias, trans, agénero y cualquiera que no encaje en la lógica binaria del mundo dominado por hombres. Esto incluye a personas de color, personas de la comunidad BIPOC. También incluye a las personas que no pueden o no quieren someterse a la lógica de explotación del mundo capitalista. Los más afectados son los que pertenecen a más de una de las categorías anteriores. BIPOC son las siglas de Black, indigenous people of colour, en definitiva, a las personas que se consideran a ellos/as mismos como no-blancos.

¡Digamos no a este sistema dominado por los hombres!

En todo el mundo, las personas FLINTA se rebelan contra la opresión de los sistemas patriarcales y capitalistas: contra las guerras que los gobernantes libran a costa de los pueblos; contra la catástrofe climática que aún niegan o ignoran demasiados responsables políticos; contra las fuerzas de derechas que ganan cada vez más poder con sus ideologías retrógradas.

El lema „Jin Jiyan Azadi“ (Las mujeres viven en libertad) del movimiento revolucionario kurdo resuena actualmente en todo el mundo a través de la revolución liderada por las mujeres en Irán: ¡desde América Latina hasta Rojava (noreste de Siria) y desde Teherán hasta Europa! Como una señal fuerte contra la restricción y la negación de los derechos humanos. Juntas lideramos las luchas feministas por una sociedad en la que una buena vida sea posible para todos. Juntas luchamos también contra la injusticia de género, por la autodeterminación sexual y corporal y por „un mundo donde haya espacio para la diversidad y muchos mundos“? – como dice el movimiento Zapatista. Nosotras, el Comité de Huelga Feminista de Augsburgo, nos solidarizamos con las luchas feministas en todo el mundo y con las que están en nuestro vecindario. ¡Las crisis están en los sistemas! La crisis empieza en casa y ¡tenemos en nuestras manos acabar con estas injusticias!


  • Trabajo de cuidados remunerado, porque las actividades relevantes para el sistema como los cuidados infantiles, familiares, incluso de amigos, o de uno mismo no deben convertirse en una sobrecarga o una desventaja existencial.
  • Decimos NO a los beneficios con la sanidad y el sistema de bienestar. Los problemas en el sector de la salud no pueden solucionarse con la privatización de las instituciones sanitarias, ya que el objetivo de obtener beneficio económico se antepone a los beneficios y al bienestar de los pacientes, perdiéndose calidad y valores en el servicio prestado en las instituciones de la salud.
  • Protección contra la violencia y refugio seguro en caso de peligro. Las plazas de los centros de acogida para mujeres del distrito no se acercan ni de lejos a los requisitos legales. Las FLINTA que viven en refugios necesitan servicios especiales de protección. También faltan refugios y centros de asesoramiento para personas queer y trans.
  • Derecho a quedarse para todos, porque ninguna persona es ilegal. No se debe permitir que las razones para huir determinen el derecho a quedarse y el valor de una persona. Sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que muchas personas sufrirán debido al cambio climático y no tendrán los recursos actuales para sobrevivir, lo que aumentará drásticamente los llamados movimientos de huida económica y migración.
  • Atención médica segura para mujeres embarazadas, mujeres que dan a luz y personas que deciden abortar. La escasez de personal y el cierre de clínicas ponen en peligro este derecho humano en la región y en toda Alemania.
  • Tiempo y oportunidades para la participación política. El exceso de trabajo debido al salario o al trabajo asistencial, las barreras lingüísticas o el sentimiento de impotencia política no deben impedir la participación activa de las personas.
  • Apoyo político a los activistas perseguidos políticamente, FLINTA y personas LGBTQIA+ en Irán, Afganistán, Kurdistán, Rojava más allá de las expresiones de solidaridad.

فراخوان روز مبارزهی فمینیستی در 8مارس 2023

دلیل بحرانها سیستم است – مبارزهی فمینسیتی در سراسر جهان

از تخلیه کردن یک خانهی سالمندان در آگسبورگ، تا بستن یک مرکز مامایی در بوبینگن، همگی نشان از وجود بحران در سیستم
پزشکی است. درگیری ها در اندک مسکنهای مخصوص پناهندگان فقط از زمان جنگ اوکراین شدت نگرفت، بلکه بحران انرژی
بر ساکنین کم درآمد آگسبورگ و بخصوص خانوادههای تکسرپرست، بیشترین تأثیر را گذاشته است. ما می دانیم دلیل بحرانها،
سیستم است. ما میدانیم نظامهای سرمایهداری و مردسالاری مقصراند. ما این مسأله را دیگر تحمل نمیکنیم و به نشان اعتراض
اعتصاب میکنیم.

ر روز بینالمللی مبارزهی فمینیستی در تاریخ 8مارس در ساعت 17به ما بپیوندید؛ همراه با سخنرانی و
تظاهرات در راتهاوس پلاتز آگسبورگ

چه کسی حاضر است به خانههای سالمندانی برود که در بسیاری از آنها شرایط غیر انسانی حاکم است؟ 61.6درصد از این
سالمندان زنها هستند. چه انسانهایی در این خانهها با شرایط کاری غیرقابل تحمل مشغول کار هستند؟ بیشتر از سه چهارم
کارمندان مشغول به کار در خانههای سالمندان، زن هستند. چه کسانی گروهی میشوند که برای بقا میجنگند؟ 17.5درصد از
زنان در سال 2022دچار فقر درآمدی بودهاند، در حالی که این عدد برای مردان 15.7درصد بوده است. حتی تعداد زنان شاغل در
کارهای پارهوقت نیز بیش از مردان است. در میانسالی اما، درصد « شغلی منقطع» زنان تلافی میکند: 20درصد از زنان بالای
65سال در خانودههای تک سرپرست، فقیر قلمداد میشوند که دلیل آن داشتن شغلهای حاشیهای مکرر و از دست دادن حقوق
کامل به دلیل نگهداری از فرزندان یا وابستگانشان است.

ما در مورد زنان صحبت میکنیم، زیرا این آمار و ارقام را فقط خوانندگان زن درک میکنند. همچنین در مورد افراد فلینتا که مذکر
) FLINTA: Frauen, Lesbische, Inter, Nicht-Binäre, Trans, Agender Personen ( ،تلقی نمیشوند
شامل زنان، همجنسگرایان، اینترباینری، غیر باینری، تراجنسی و بیجنسیت که در این سیستم مورد ناحقی قرار میگیرند. همینطور
در مورد افراد سیاهپوست و رنگینپوست جامعه ( )BIPOC: Black, Indigenious People of Colourبه بیانی دیگر،
افرادی که غیرسفید خوانده میشوند. انسانهایی که نمیتوانند یا نمیخواهند تسلیم منطق استثمار جهان سرمایهداری شوند، که
اغلب این تبعیضها شامل افرادی میشود که حداقل به یکی از گروههای ذکر شده در بالا تعلق دارند

ما به این سیستم مردسالار نه میگوییم!

در سرتاسر جهان نظامهای مردسالاری و سرمایهداری، جامعهی فلینتا علیه ظلم و ستم قیام میکند، علیه جنگهایی که حاکمان
هزینهاش را با جان مردم میپردازند. در برابر فاجعهی محیطزیستی، که هنوز توسط بسیاری از تصمیمگیرندگان رد شده یا نادیده
گرفته میشود. در برابر نیروهای راستی که با ایدئولوژیهای عقب مانده خود، روزبهروز قدرت بیشتری میگیرند. در حال حاضر
جنبشی انقلابی از طریق رهبری زنان با شعار „ژن، ژیان، ئازادی“ در سراسر جهان، از آمریکای لاتین تا روژاوا (شمال شرقی
سوریه،) از تهران تا اروپا به عنوان یک نماد، علیه محدودیت و نفی حقوق بشر طنینانداز شدهاست. ما با هم، با مبارزات فمینیستی
برای جامعهای مبارزه میکنیم که در آن زندگی خوب برای همگان امکانپذیر است. ما با هم علیه بیعدالتی جنسیتی، برای
استقلال جنسی و بدنی و به گفتهی جنبش زاپاتیستا ( )Zapatistaبرای „دنیایی که دنیاهای زیادی در آن جا می شوند.“ مبارزه
میکنیم. ما کمیتهی اعتصاب فمینیستی آگسبورگ، با مبارزات فمینیستی در سراسر جهان و با کسانی که در جبههی ما هستند،
همبستگی نشان میدهیم. بحرانها در سیستمها هستند! آن ها دست ساز حکومتها هستند و ما دست در دست هم، به این بی
دالتیها پایان خواهیم داد!

درخواست های ما:

حقوق کارهای مراقبتی پرداخت شود، زیرا فعالیتهای مرتب با سیستم مانند مراقبت از کودکان، مراقبت از
وابستگان یا دوستان و درعین حال توجه به خود، نباید به یک بار اضافی یا آسیب تبدیل شود.
سلامتی و مراقبت بدون سود! مشکلات سیستم بهداشت و درمان از طریق خصوصیسازی مراکز درمانی ایجاد
شدهاست که باید با کارهای مراقبتی کسب درآمد کنند و سود را بر رفاه بیماران مقدم دارند.
حفاظت در برابر خشونت و سرپناه ایمن در صورت خطر. مکانهای موجود برای پناهگاههای زنان، شامل شرایط قانونی تعریف
شده در اقامتگاه پناهندگان نیستند. علاوه بر این، کمبود سرپناه و مراکز مشاوره برای افراد جامعهی فلینتا وجود دارد. زنها، لزبینها،
اینترجنسها، افراد با جنسیت غیرباینری وترنسها به حمایت و پشتیبانی ویژه احتیاج دارند.
حق اقامت برای همه، زیرا هیچکس غیرقانونی نیست. (این جمله یک شعار هست با این مضمون که: این خود مردم نیستند
که غیرقانونی هستند، بلکه عمل عبور از مرزها غیر قانونی است). دلایل پناهندگی نباید برای حق اقامت و ارزش انسان تصمیمگیری
کنند. بهویژه با توجه به اینکه بسیاری از افراد به دلیل تغییرات آبوهوایی، وطن خود را از دست خواهند داد و در نتیجه تعداد بیشتری
از جریانهای پناهندگی اقتصادی بروز خواهد کرد.
تأمین خدمات پزشکی ایمن برای زنان باردار، زنانی که در پروسه زایمان هستند و افرادی که تصمیم به سقط
جنین میگیرند باید تضمین شود. کمبود کارکنان و بستهشدن بیمارستانها، این حق انسانی را در منطقه و در سراسر
آلمان به خطر میاندازد.
زمان و امکان لازم برای مشارکت سیاسی باید برای مردم فراهم شود. عواملی همچون سنگینی کار، موانع
زبانی یا احساس عدم قدرت سیاسی نباید مردم را از مشارکت فعال باز دارند.
حمایت سیاسی باید فراتر از بیانیههای همبستگی برای فعالین سیاسی تحت تعقیب، جامعه فلینتا و
+ LGBTQIAدر ایران، افغانستان، کردستان و روژآوا تضمین شود.


Krizin kaynağı sistem,
Dünya genelinde feminist grevler!

Augsburg yaşlılar evinin boşaltılmasından, Bobingen Doğum Yardım Bölümü’nün kapatılmasına kadar- sağlık sistemindeki gerçekliği gözler önüne seriyor. Mülteciler için zaten yetersiz olan barınaklardaki çatışmalar git gide artıyor ve bu durum Ukrayna’daki savaştan önce başlamıştı. Enerji krizi, başta bekar ebeveynler olmak üzere Augsburg’daki düşük gelirlileri vurmakta. Biz biliyoruz ki, krizlerin kaynağı sistem. Biz, biliyoruz ki, bütün bunların sorumlusu Kapitalizm ve patriyarka/erkek egemen sistem. Bunu kabul etmek istemiyoruz! Grevdeyiz!

8 Mart Uluslararası Feminist Mücadele Günü’ne gelin.
Saat: 17:00’de MİTİNG ve YÜRÜYÜŞ! Rathauspaltz Augsburg

Daha çok kimler, insanlık dışı koşulların hüküm sürdüğü yaşlılar, ve bakım evlerinde yaşıyor? Burada yaşayanların 61.6’sı kadın. Kimler, bu dayanılmaz çalışma koşullarının olduğu bakım işlerinde çalışıyor? Hemen, hemen her çalışan dört hemşirenin, üçünden biraz fazlası kadındır. Kimler yoksulluk sınırında yaşıyorlar? 2021 yılında, Alman kadınların yüzde 17.5’i gelir yoksulluğundan etkilenirken, bunun aksine erkeklerin yüzde 15.7’si etkilenmiştir. Yarı zamanlı işlerde istihdam edilen kadınların sayısı erkeklerden daha fazladır. Kadınların „yarı zamanlı çalışma ve kesintiye uğramış kariyer/biyografileri “ yaşlılıkta olumsuz etkilerini gösteriyor: Yaşamını tek başına istihdam etmek zorunda kalan 65 yaş üstü kadınların yüzde 20’si yoksul kabul ediliyor. Bunun nedeni daha sık yarı zamanlı istihdam edilmeleri, çocuk ve yakınlarının bakımları nedeniyle kazanç kaybına uğramalarıdır.

Kadınlardan bahsediyoruz, çünkü verilerin sonuçları yalnızca kadınları işaret ediyor. Her şeye rağmen erkek olarak algılanmayan diğer kişilerin- FLINTA’ların – da bu sistemde dezavantajlı durumdadır. FLINTA’lar kadın lezbiyen, inter, ikili olmayan, trans, ve erkek egemen dünyanın ikili mantığına uymayan herkes anlamına gelir. Bunların içine BİPOC topluluğunun Siyahileri de dahil. Kapitalist dünyanın sömürü mantığına boyun eğmeyen ya da boyun emek istemeyen insanlar içinde aynı şey geçerlidir. Bu kategoriye veya birden fazlasına ait olanları daha çok etkilemektedir. BİPOC Siyahi, yerli renkli insanları yani beyaz değil, olarak okunan insanları temsil eder.

Bu erkek egemen sisteme Hayır diyoruz!

FLINTA tüm dünyada erkek egemenliğine ve kapitalist sistemin baskılarına baş kaldırıyor: Egemenlerin halkın sırtının üzerinden sürdürdüğü savaşlara karşı, pek çok karar merci tarafından hâlâ reddedilen ya da görmezden gelinen iklim felaketine karşı, sağcı, gerici ideolojilerin daha fazla etken ve güçlü olmasına karşı başkaldırıyor.

Devrimci Kürt hareketinin „Jin jiyan Azadi „ (Kadın Yaşam Özgürlük) sloganı şu anda İran’daki kadınların önderliğindeki devrim aracılığıyla tüm dünyada yankılanıyor: Latin Amerika’dan Rojava’ya (Kuzeydoğu Suriye) ve Tahran’dan Avrupa’ya kadar insan haklarının kısıtlanmasına ve reddedilmesine karşı sesin yükselmesidir. Herkes için daha iyi bir yaşamın mümkün olduğu bir toplum için feminist mücadelelerde birlikte mücadele ediyoruz. Cinsiyet eşitsizliğine karşı, kendi bedeni ve cinsiyet tercihi üzerinde karar hakkının kendine ait olması için ve „çok farklı dünyaların uyumla bir arada olduğu“ bir dünya için mücadele ediyoruz? Zapatista Hareketinin dediği gibi. Augsburg Feminist Grev Komitesi olarak bizler dünya çapındaki ve yanı başımızdaki feminist mücadelelerle dayanışma gösteriyoruz. Krizlerin kaynağı sistemlerde. Bu adaletsizliklere ve eşitsizliklere son vermek bizim elimizde.


  • Ücretli bakım işi; çünkü sistemin ihtiyacı olan çocuk bakımı, aile fertleri veya yakınlarının bakımı ve aynı zamanda kendimize bakmak gibi işler kadının yaşamını olumsuz etkilememeli.
  • Sağlıkta ve bakımda kar olmaz! Sağlık alanında yaşanan sorunlar, sırf sağlık alanlarının özelleştirilmesi nedeniyle değil, bakım işlerinden para kazanmayı, kar elde etmeyi hastaların sağlığından önde tutmalarındandır.
  • Şiddetten korunma ve tehlikeli durumda güvenli barınak. Kadın sığınma evlerinin sayısı, yasanın öngördüğünden oldukça uzak. Mülteci barınağında ki FLINTA’ların özel koruma ihtiyacı var. Ayrıca querler ve translar için sığınma evleri ve danışma merkezleri ya yok ya da yetersiz.
  • Herkese oturma izni, Çünkü kimse illegal değildir. Kaçış nedenleri, kişini oturma izni hakkını ve insani değerini belirlememelidir. Özellikle klima değişikliği nedeniyle pek çok insan temel/geçim kaynaklarını kaybetmekte, bu nedenle ekonomik kaçışlar büyük ölçüde artmaktadır.
  • Güvenli sağlık hizmeti. Hamile kadınlar, doğum yapanlar ve kürtaj yaptırmak isteyenler için güvenli sağlık hizmeti. Sağlık personeli eksikliği ve hastanelerin kapanışları bölgede ve tüm Almanya genelinde temel sağlık haklarını tehlikeye atıyor!
  • Siyasal alanda yer alabilmek için zaman ve fırsat! Ücretli veya bakım işinden kaynaklanan aşırı yük, dil yetersizliği veya siyasi güçsüzlük duygusu insanların aktif katılımını engellememelidir.
  • Siyasi destek; İran Afganistan, Kürdistan ve Rojava’da siyasi olarak zulüm gören aktivistler, FLINTA ve LGBTQIA artı kişiler için dayanışma ifadelerinin de ötesinde siyasi destek verilmelidir.