Call for demonstration on International Women’s Day, 8th March 2024
Increasing xenophobia, transphobia, tightening of asylum laws and secret meetings to plan deportations – right-wing ideas and inhumane policies are on the rise again. Left-wing and feminist groups have long been fighting against the political right, because:
We stand against an “us-against-them” mentality! Our left-wing movement will not be divided! Fascist, neo-Nazi, right-wing agitation has no place in our utopias!
Come to the demonstration at Rathausplatz!
Friday, 8th March 2024, 4 pm

Fighting for feminism means fighting fascism! On March 8th FLINTA* people all over the world take to the streets against inequality, discrimination and violence. FLINTA* stands for women, lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans, agender and all other people who do not fit into the heteronormative patriarchal world view.
Our feminism is in opposition to a world view in which the supposedly strong are “better” than the supposedly weak; in which the voices of the rich count more than those of the poor; in which a person with a university degree is worth more than a person working at the supermarket. Our feminism has always been anti-fascist!
- We are fighting for a world in which all people are worth the same.
- We are fighting for a world in which we organise our lives in solidarity instead of selfishly and on the backs of others.
- We are fighting for a world in which unpaid care work is the task of all people and not related to gender.
- We are fighting for a world in which all people, especially women and queer people, can live their lives freely, without conservative role models and oppression.
- We are fighting for a world in which politics is based on scientific facts and not on fear.
- We are fighting for a world in which it is not okay anymore to say things which led to the extermination of Jews, Sinti, Roma, physically and mentally disabled people, queer people, political and spiritual prisoners, communists and countless victims of war.
That is why our anti-fascism is feminist. It is a clear stand against all right-wing, neo-fascist and neo-Nazi movements. It is a clear stand against the patriarchal system.
- Because patriarchy, fascism and capitalism utilise the inequality of people to secure power for the few.
- Patriarchal and right-wing structures share the devaluation of women and deny the existence of lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans, agender and other lives that do not fit into the heteronormative world view.
- And: patriarchy and right-wing ideology claim to stand up for the “little man”. Yet their toxic ideals of masculinity also harm cis men.
Our feminism stands alongside people who are affected by discrimination on a daily basis in our white majority society: by racism, antisemitism, islamophobia and all forms of xenophobia. People who are affected by sexism, misogyny, queerphobia, transphobia and all forms of gender discrimination. Who are affected by devaluation in terms of education, profession, status, physical or mental impairment.
Come to the rally and demonstration on 8th of March! Let us become visible and audible! And let’s form networks on 2nd of March to fight together for our feminist utopias and against the right!