Workshops, information stands & music on 2 March at Rathausplatz Augsburg
On Saturday, 2 March 2024, we will transform Rathausplatz into a feminist and anti-fascist action square together with activists from Augsburg: in workshops and discussion groups, at information stands, at talks and with music, we will get into conversation with interested passers-by. The focus will be on gender justice, anti-racism, anti-semitism, queer feminism and anti-capitalism. All interested people are invited!

12 – 1 pm: two workshops at the same time, click for details
Catcalls of Augsburg Taking anti-sexism to the streets together.
Together with you, we want to fill the Rathausplatz on 2 March with our demands. We would like to invite you to join us in making a permanent record of your demands and to make a statement against sexism and discrimination. The workshop is open to all genders.
Association of Persecutees of the Nazi Regime – League of Anti-Fascists: Feminism and anti-fascism.
What are the characteristics of anti-fascism? How do feminism and antifascism fit together, or are they inseparable? Feminist anti-fascists will be presented as examples. Contribution by Martha Metzger, member of the Augsburg Women’s Centre and the VVN-BdA.
1 – 2 pm: two workshops at the same time, click for details
Oben-ohne-Kollektiv: Exchange on bodies in fascism: resistance and perspectives
In a shared exchange we will explore the connection between the body, language and the rise of fascist ideologies. We will look at how patriarchy and fascism are intertwined and discuss how an anti-patriarchal society is also anti-fascist. Under the banner of ‘Vulnerable Bodies’ we will explore how bodies are valued and controlled in fascism. Our aim is not only to point out existing problems, but also to develop perspectives for resistance.
Medical Students for Choice: What everyone should know about abortion
After a short crash course on the anatomy of the uterus, vulva, vagina, etc., we will give you an overview of abortion – from the legal situation, to the specific procedure with medical background, to the problems of care. Our aim is to provide all participants with what we believe everyone should know about abortion, regardless of whether or not you can get pregnant (unintentionally).
2 – 3 pm two workshops at the same time, click for details
GEW: Trade union resistance against fascism
We will look at the role of trade unions in anti-fascist struggles. Based on the stories of different anti-fascists, we will develop insights for today’s practice.
SOS Humanity: Rescue instead of a shift to the right: Civil sea rescue in times of right-wing isolationist discourse
More than 28,000 people have lost their lives in the Central Mediterranean since 2014. 28,000 people with individual stories – but all with the same basic human rights. While fascist forces in Germany and Europe are currently trying to further disenfranchise marginalised groups, a strong and solidary civil society is becoming increasingly important. We therefore want to give you the opportunity to learn more about civilian sea rescue in the Central Mediterranean – one of the deadliest escape routes in the world – and offer space for your questions and discussions” Speaker: Sarah B., student & civilian sea rescuer Trigger warning: Death; torture; physical, psychological & sexual violence; slavery.
3:15 – 3:45 pm
open rehearsal of the Corner Choir, the Augsburg Flinta*-only choir with the hits “Periode” or the song on rent madness and housing shortage.
From 3 pm: vegan & gluten-free stew from 3 pm
The Knoblauchfahne cookery collective will provide us with hot stew on a donation basis – while stocks last.
From 4 pm concerts
16:00 – 16:30 Maria Moctezuma
16:30 – 17:00 Gündalein
Continuous actions & information stands, click for details
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Augsburger Frauen/Feminist*innen & Frauenzentrum: Information stand on feminist ideas through the ages
Together with the visitors, we want to collect and discuss characteristic terms from 45 years of feminist history.
Feminist strike committee & others: Craft and information stands
Linksjugend: interactive display wall on feminist utopias
Fighting for feminist utopias! “What more do you want?” This question has been asked of feminists for over 100 years and thrown at them after every (partial) realisation of their demands. Suffrage, equal pay, equality? We say: all that and more! Patriarchal structures are still omnipresent and right-wing anti-feminist movements have been gaining strength in recent years. Against this background, feminism does not fall from the sky. At the same time, we firmly believe that a different future is possible if we only tackle it. To make this clear, we want to create a feminist utopia wall that gives everyone the opportunity to express their personal feminist struggles and their visions of a feminist utopia. We are looking forward to the exchange and discussion with you. Because in the end, we can only win together! Our idea would therefore be to be present with an interactive display wall and a small information stand, possibly also with seating. You can find our logo in the attachment. Please get in touch if you have any questions! We are very much looking forward to it!
mehr*kollektiv: interactive artwork “feminist fun with cans”
Change instead of preserve: Together with you, we will create an interactive work of art from food-safe tinplate.
Vintage & Krätze: Clothes swap
Work around 6: information board on (forced) prostitution under Nazi fascism – a forgotten history
This year, we are using the Space for Feminism to highlight a forgotten part of German history: the Nazi regime’s treatment of prostitution and the fate of those deported to the so-called “concentration camp brothels”. We are Workaround6, an open discussion group that takes a critical look at sexuality in general and more specifically at sex work / prostitution and the sex industry in general on a monthly basis. We put up an information board on the feminist square and hope to make the fates of the women and queer people affected visible.
Bring your kids. Our childcare centre will keep them entertained while you take part in a workshop or browse around the stands.
Awareness concept on site
There will be an awareness team on site who you can contact at any time if you need to talk or need support. We will be recognisable by our colourful vests. Every impulse to come to us is important and can be followed up. It’s better to come once too often than once too little! You set your own boundaries and decide what constitutes a transgression for you and how you need support. The designated area available to the Awareness Team provides an opportunity to work together on your concerns.
Call for a rally and demonstration
Anti-fascist is only feminist! Feminist fight now!
Come to Augsburg’s Rathausplatz on 8 March at 4 pm – we will be taking to the streets against inequality, discrimination and violence, because: Feminist fight means fighting fascism!
March with us from Rathausplatz to the blue cap via Kennedy-Platz at the theatre and back to Rathausplatz!
Accessibility at the demo
If necessary, there will be the opportunity to take part in the demonstration in a vehicle provided by us. Childcare will also be available.
The march will be accompanied by an awareness team, who will be recognisable by their colourful vests.
There will be sign language interpreters for the speeches and demonstration food at the final rally by Kollektiv Knoblauchfahne.